This week went ok. Did well on some of my goals, not so well on others. Read my scriptures and took my vitamins every day. Brushing my teeth and computer time I only missed once. Dishes and bedtime only got missed twice. Toddler's bedtime routine and doing my crunches missed 3 times though. And of course I'm still not doing good on my cleaning goal lol. The first one I started and it's still the worst. Can you tell how much I hate cleaning?! Saturday and Sunday I was at my family's house, so that is why Saturday I didn't do much. The rest of the week my only excuse was being tired lol. Though I'm pretty proud of myself for doing every one on Monday.
Here's my Joe's Goals:
I'm going to take off the goals that are mostly habits now- brushing teeth, reading scriptures, and taking vitamins. My goal sheet is getting pretty crowded :) Also, I'm going to put my crunches back down to 50. 50 is doable, and while 100 is also doable it's not as easy to get myself to do them when I'm tired, which why I only got them 1/2 the time.
My new goal is going to be to do one load of laundry every morning. And I have to get it started before I turn on the computer. Also, I need to fold the load as soon as it's done so it doesn't pile up lol.
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 100 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr after work, church, or Hubby gets home from work
#10- 1 load of laundry each morning
* One's in green are habits
Go to The Lazy Organizer to join in SHS! Everyone who joins in 3 weeks this month will be entered to win a drawing for a free autographed book!
Good luck with your new goal! : )
Doing a load a day is the only way I keep on top of my laundry! You're going to love your new habit!!
We do a load a day here too. Besides being easier, I like doing it this way because we can hang a lot of it up to dry instead of using the dryer for everything.
You have developed some great habits. I bet it feels wonderful!
When we had a W/D doing a load a day really helped me stay on top of the laundry. It never made me feel overwhelmed having to do 8 piles at once. I hope it helps make your days easier! Good luck!
you are doing great! Hope the laundry helps! I get mine folded. I am working on getting mine PUT AWAY! LOL
Have a great week!
Good Luck this week.
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