
Friday, April 20, 2007

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me...

...guess I'll go eat worms! Just kidding, I'm sure there is somebody out there that still cares about my little blog. Right? I haven't had hardly any comments this week, except for Friday's Feast, but that's a given. Where did my buddies go? I used to get at least 2-3 comments a post, but now I rarely even get 1 :( I know I should be doing this for myself, I shouldn't care about comments, blahblahblah, but I do care! I like feeling like somebody cares about me :) So come back! I need you! I'll even make cookies! hehehe


Dawn said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Kara!!!! I love you!!! :) I just don't get to the computer much these days because I'm on bedrest and have help coming in every day and so I feel like I'd be rude ignoring them to chat online. :) But I'm still here!!

JHS said...

Don't feel bad, Kara . . . I think it's just life. The number of readers I've had visit this week has been down, too.

But I'm here visiting and I'm leaving you a comment! You're invited over to my little corner of the 'Net, too!

Helena said...

Hey Kara, What kinda cookies you going make? Peanut butter? { My favorite}. I used to at least get my sister to comment on my site,,she did it anonymos,,but I knew it was her,,Yikes and lately she has stopped. Ugh. So I started a new meme for Sunday,,,at least that day I know I will get a comment. So now with Friday's feast,,,Wordless Wensday and my Meme- Situation Sunday,,I get a few,,,(3) :>) Have a great weekend- Happy Trails, Helena

Michelle said...

I'm sorry I've been a bad blogging buddy. *Bad Michelle!* Don't eat worms! You are loved a whole big bunch! You don't even have to make cookies. You are a great person and you have a great blog. :D Hugs!

Kara said...

Janie and Helena- thanks for stopping by and commenting :) Glad to know I still get visitors!

Michelle- I know you are busy and you see my almost every day anyway lol

Dawn- I understand you aren't on the computer as much with bedrest, you are forgiven lol ;)

Lorie said...

I have noticed the same thing at my site Kara. It's been slow right now I guess. I try to visit yours everyday, if I can. You usually have neat stuff!

Kara said...

Lorie- I also visit yours all the time and I don't think I've commented in a while sorry!

Beth said...

I have been on the computer a lot less lately; sorry I haven't stopped by in a bit, and I probably haven't commented in awhile. :-( Don't worry; I'm still reading!! *hugs*

Crazy Working Mom said...

My hits were down also. I think that with the weather getting nicer out, people are getting away from their computers! EGADS!!!

Don't feel bad, though...we still love ya.