
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Here I Am!

OK, I don't know if I've ever posted a really good picture of me. That is partly because I'm usually behind the camera, and partly because I think I look terrible in pics. But today I'm going to show me off :) Not sure why, but here goes!
So, what do you think? Hot mommy blogger or ugly hag? LOL Personally I don't think it's the best pic of me, but better than usual! And considering I had to put it on self-timer and try to pose myself it was hard to get a good pic lol :D


Kendra said...

Hot Mommy Blogger of course! Wow, I didn't know you were so young! I am fairly young as well, but I just never expect people to look my age. I guess I "feel" older than I really am. 1 baby and 1 on the way will do that to a woman!

Also, I know what you mean about always being behind the camera. As soon as I became a mother, there are NO MORE PICTURES OF ME!

Nate said...

Hot chickadee!!! Woo hoo!! Hubba Hubba!! Love ya hun.

Kara said...

Kendra- lol for some reason I'm always surprised when moms are much older than me. I'm 23.

Beth said...

I've seen your pic before, but this pic turned out great!! You are so cute, Kara. :-)

Laura said...

Hello, I love that you posted a picture of yourself...I'm going to have to get brave one of these days and do that too!

Don't give up on your Org can do it!!


Kate said...

Definitely one hot mama! :)

Michelle said...

Hot mommy blogger! You are just so stinkin cute. :D You did a great job taking a picture of yourself.

Stacey said...

Way cute pic! You look great!

Crazy Working Mom said...

You're a skinny minnie HotT! :)

Rachel said...

Great picture! btw I'm jealous you are so skinny after having two kids.

Kara said...

My family and in-laws are always telling me I'm too skinny, but I swear I eat all the time lol! I just have a fast metabolism. And my belly does pooch out a bit from having kids, but I suck in constantly lol.