Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Too bad I can't sell them on Ebay!
My boys better take a nap soon or I'm going to rip my hair out! They are driving me insane today! Toddler is just not listening to me and he's already hurt Baby a few times on accident. Once he tried helping him walk down the stairs, and Baby fell down the last 2-3. Then he was hugging Baby and they fell over and Baby hit his head and now has a big bump. And while I was giving them a bath, Toddler dumped a ton of water on the carpet, grr, I hate having carpet in the bathroom! Baby is teething, molars, and has been so miserable. He is fussy and clingy and won't sleep. And Little Baby had his 4-month appointment yesterday and shots, so he's battling a fever and being grumpy too. Boy oh boy. I still need to do dishes and fold laundry, and I really should go to the post office to mail that package, but it's hard enough to take all 3 kids anywhere when they are all happy, but when they are all stinkers it's just torture. I might just go tomorrow instead, I don't know if I'll have Little Baby all day so it might be easier. Some of my family was going to come up and see me today, so if they get here before the PO closes I'll probably go. Hmm, too quiet. I better go see what my little rascals are up to!
Yep, another one
Well, you all know how much I love a contest, and I still have not won anything, even with that big bloggy giveaway last week that I entered at least 100 of them. Sigh. But I'll keep trying, one day I will win something.
So, this giveaway is from Adventures in Babywearing. You can win a $75 giftcard to Chittypulga, an online children's boutique with adorable clothes, toys, accessories, and more. There's so much cute stuff to choose from, I don't know what I'd buy if I won. Contest ends this Friday.
So, this giveaway is from Adventures in Babywearing. You can win a $75 giftcard to Chittypulga, an online children's boutique with adorable clothes, toys, accessories, and more. There's so much cute stuff to choose from, I don't know what I'd buy if I won. Contest ends this Friday.
Tuesday To-Do

* Fold laundry
* Dishes, like always
* Clean up every room in the house, seriously
* Especially boys' room
* Vacuum
* Go to post office
And I think that's it! I keep putting off folding the laundry and it keeps piling up so I need to get it folded today. And I need to clean the boys room because it's a disaster, all the toys are out. The only errand I need to go out for is to mail a package, other than that I get to stay home :)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Menu Plan Monday

Today is my first time joining in with Menu Plan Monday, hosted at Organizing Junkie. I never joined in before, cuz I never planned in advance lol. But last week Hubby and I got together and made up a monthly menu plan chart with dinners we like. We have 4 weeks of rotating meals so now we can now what to buy and I don't have to stare into my cupboards and fridge wondering what to make with a can of chili, leftover hamburgers, and and a box of muffin mix. It's easier for us to shop for what we need and a lot less stress on me to come up with something to eat at the last minute. Each week we have a leftovers night to help keep the leftovers from piling up and taking over the fridge, like they normally do. Anyway, so on to this week's menu!
- Eating out at Applebee's for Hubby's Birthday
- Baked Potatoes w/toppings, corn on the cob, salad
- Hamburger Helper, peas
- Chicken and Stuffing Casserole, corn
- Going camping, hot dogs, dutch oven cobbler
- Leftovers
- Pork Chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
They are simple meals, but they work for us and are stuff I will actually make.
Monday Madness
Back to normal. Or as close to normal as life ever gets. :) My boys are already making messes all over, dishes and laundry both need done, and I need more sleep. Little Baby will be here soon. I wonder what he'll think of the boys being home, he seemed to enjoy getting spoiled last week lol. I really need to do laundry and fold the 3 loads at the foot of my bed, we are almost out of clean clothes. And the sink is overflowing from making yummy lasagna last night, so I need to get dishes done, maybe during Little Baby's first nap. I need to go to the post office too, but can't until after the cable guy comes to look at our cable line, and he could come at any time during the day. Today is Hubby's birthday so tonight we are using a gift card he got to go to Applebee's. Yummy :D
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Sunday Saying
"Dig in," said the king, poking Milo with his elbow and looking disapprovingly at his plate. "I can't say that I think much of your choice."
"I didn't know that I was going to have to eat my words," objected Milo.
"Of course, of course, everyone here does," the king grunted. "You should have made a tastier speech."
Norton Juster - The Phantom Tollbooth
I was in this play in 5th grade, as the Spelling Bee, it was fun (except for a boy I hated purposely screwing up my lines). Anyway, what happens in this part is that in this world you eat for dinner the words you say, like if you said "pudding...cake...chicken..." etc that's what your words would taste like. Milo didn't realize this and gave a little speech, and had to eat those words, which weren't too tasty. The point is to watch what you say. There's another saying somewhere like "Watch your words, you might have to eat them." or something like that.
"I didn't know that I was going to have to eat my words," objected Milo.
"Of course, of course, everyone here does," the king grunted. "You should have made a tastier speech."
Norton Juster - The Phantom Tollbooth
I was in this play in 5th grade, as the Spelling Bee, it was fun (except for a boy I hated purposely screwing up my lines). Anyway, what happens in this part is that in this world you eat for dinner the words you say, like if you said "pudding...cake...chicken..." etc that's what your words would taste like. Milo didn't realize this and gave a little speech, and had to eat those words, which weren't too tasty. The point is to watch what you say. There's another saying somewhere like "Watch your words, you might have to eat them." or something like that.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
SMART Habit Saturday

SHS is hosted at The Lazy Organizer, but it seems she might still be having some computer problems and doesn't have it up this week yet :)
Friday, July 27, 2007
Nothing Major
In college I changed my major 3 times. In 3 years (4 really, but I took off a semester with each kid). Obviously I did not get very far in any of them, and eventually left with nothing but a mishmash of classes that could not work together for any major really. The last one I chose was Accounting. I guess since I liked math and did well, that would be a good choice. Then I could become a Certified Public Accountant and work from home during tax season. Um yeah, after about 2 classes I realized it was not for me. It was nothing like real math. It was math on crack. Math in the twilight zone. Even with helpful payroll software, tax software, and any other special software they have, I'm sure it would still drive me nuts. Every formula had different rules, and loopholes, and special little sub-formulas and loopholes in the loopholes. It was chaos! And I had to take Economics for the major too. I HATE Economics classes, they make even less sense. I got my only F in college in my 2nd Economics class, out of the 5 I would need. It was then that I decided that it was not going to work and promptly gave up. One day I will go back to school, when they get a major in Motherhood, Homemaking, or General Life Studies or something. Something I actually feel I could pass.
Win a 37" TV!!

Write it down
Time to share
Well, today's sharing is going to be short, since I haven't been really keeping track of posts the last few weeks. But I have a few that you should check out.
Congrats go to two ladies on the births of their little girls. Kendra was able to have a VBAC, unmedicated. You go girl! And Melissa had an adorable girl, they named Rebekah. I believe she also did it unmedicated. You ladies rock! So go congratulate both of them!
And my Hubby has started a blog! Life Happens. Go check it out and leave him a comment, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
That's all for this week, but I'll try to keep track of posts this week so you can have more to check out next time.
Congrats go to two ladies on the births of their little girls. Kendra was able to have a VBAC, unmedicated. You go girl! And Melissa had an adorable girl, they named Rebekah. I believe she also did it unmedicated. You ladies rock! So go congratulate both of them!
And my Hubby has started a blog! Life Happens. Go check it out and leave him a comment, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
That's all for this week, but I'll try to keep track of posts this week so you can have more to check out next time.
And the winner is...

devildogwife of Marine Corps Nomads!!!
Congratulations!! I will be emailing you to get your info :) Thanks again for all of you who entered my giveaway.
Friday's Feast

Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.
- My Little Pony. That was my favorite
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?
- Hm, maybe a 7
Where would you rather be at this very moment?
- Still in bed
Main Course
When was the last time you learned something new?
- Sometime this week, I learn little new things all the time
Fill in the blank: I have ____________ but I haven’t ____________.
- I have repelled down cliffs but I haven't sky dived.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Last Call!

3 Words Meme
OK, Tisha tagged me for this meme :D It's the 3 words meme, and you have to answer each question in 3 words. Shouldn't be too hard right?
1. Where is your cell phone? Charging on couch
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Great Hubby Nate
3. Your hair? Boring and brown
4. Where is your father? He travels everywhere
5. Your favorite thing to do? Blog read cuddle
6. Your dream last night? I don't know
7. Your dream car? Sexy cute convertible
8. The room you're in? Burning hot office
9. Who did you hang out with last night? Just Hubby Nate
10. Your fears? Family getting hurt
11. What aren't you good at? Socializing, sports, housework
12. Muffins? Blueberry with butter
13. One of your wish list items? Lots of money
14. The last thing you did? Fed Little Baby
15. Your computer? Black Compaq desktop
16. Your pet? 3 dumb cats
17. You are wearing? Pink shirt, jeans
18. Your life? Boring but blessed
19. Your mood? Bored and tired
20. Missing? Nothing I remember
21. Your car? Minivan Ford Windstar
22. What are you thinking about now? Dinner, sleep, running
23. Your work? Babysitting, paid blogging
24. Your summer? Hot, dry, quiet
25. Your relationship status? Married, 2 kids
26. Your favorite color(s)? Blue, red, white
27. When is the last time you cried? Reading this afternoon
28. When was the last time you laughed? Lunchtime at Hubby
29. School? Might go back
30. Favorite 90's group? I don't know
K, I get to tag 3 people, let's see:
1. Where is your cell phone? Charging on couch
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Great Hubby Nate
3. Your hair? Boring and brown
4. Where is your father? He travels everywhere
5. Your favorite thing to do? Blog read cuddle
6. Your dream last night? I don't know
7. Your dream car? Sexy cute convertible
8. The room you're in? Burning hot office
9. Who did you hang out with last night? Just Hubby Nate
10. Your fears? Family getting hurt
11. What aren't you good at? Socializing, sports, housework
12. Muffins? Blueberry with butter
13. One of your wish list items? Lots of money
14. The last thing you did? Fed Little Baby
15. Your computer? Black Compaq desktop
16. Your pet? 3 dumb cats
17. You are wearing? Pink shirt, jeans
18. Your life? Boring but blessed
19. Your mood? Bored and tired
20. Missing? Nothing I remember
21. Your car? Minivan Ford Windstar
22. What are you thinking about now? Dinner, sleep, running
23. Your work? Babysitting, paid blogging
24. Your summer? Hot, dry, quiet
25. Your relationship status? Married, 2 kids
26. Your favorite color(s)? Blue, red, white
27. When is the last time you cried? Reading this afternoon
28. When was the last time you laughed? Lunchtime at Hubby
29. School? Might go back
30. Favorite 90's group? I don't know
K, I get to tag 3 people, let's see:
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for getting a break from the kids. My house stays clean, there's not as much laundry or dishes to do and I get to relax more. I can even nap when I need to. But I am missing them. I miss the hugs and kisses, knowing that they love me and want me to hold them, their cute little laughs, seeing them play, etc. It's like a part of myself is gone and I don't feel whole without them here. I love my children and am so thankful for them.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Pain in the neck
I hate being sick. This cold makes me have no energy. Then yesterday I took 2 naps on our office couch, and it made my neck go out of alignment and now I'm getting major headaches. Grr. And of course I don't have $40 lying around to go to the chiropractor and get it fixed. The only good thing is that the boys aren't home so I don't have to worry about trying to take care of them while I'm sick.
It's a conspiracy!
I am so tired of this desk being all cluttered. Have you ever noticed how modern desks don't seem to have drawers? I don't know why this is, but they are just metal, glass, and dark wood but no storage. We have an old solid wood desk that is nothing but drawers and storage space but it's all the way in the basement and there's no way we are bringing that 500lb monstrosity up 2 flights of stairs! I do love the sleek look of modern desks, and our desk it pretty cool, but it has no drawers! My papers keep piling up, I have pens, keys, electronics, CDs and other junk just piled all over because I have no place to store them. Wait, maybe that's on purpose. Maybe they want to make me clean my desk more often! That must be it! If I had drawers they would just get piled with junk but I would never clean it because I could just hide it. The furniture companies must be messing with my brain to get me to be more organized and clean! They must have spoken with my mom.
Win a free template
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Not IKEA but it will do
Yesterday Hubby and I decided to go shopping for a new TV stand for out big TV. I like stuff that looks simple and was looking for ones that were close in color to our current living room furniture. Hubby kept being drawn to stuff that was more like our office furniture, metal and black. I don't think he understands the idea of having the same type of furniture in the same room. We did eventually find one that was in our budget and we both agreed on, although it's not quite the same wood as our other furniture, at least it doesn't stick out as much as something Hubby would have picked out lol. I told him if he bought the one he wanted we would have to buy all new furniture for our living room because it has to match. Am I just crazy or is he blind to fashion? LOL
Somewhere in nowhere land
Have you ever tried waking up but you just can't seem to pull yourself out of sleep? You can imagine waking up, but no matter what you try you are still stuck in bed and can't move? I decided to take 2 Ibuprofen before laying down on the couch while Little Baby was napping. Then an hour and 1/2 later I tried waking up. I somehow was able to see that it was after 3, and I knew I needed to get dinner ready. I lay there struggling to get my eyes to really open. I dreamed that I could open them but the vision was cloudy and I couldn't turn my head, so I knew it wasn't working lol. I tried forcing my body to move, even tried making myself roll off the couch, but nothing was working. In my half-sleeping state I dreamed that I could hear my boys and inlaws downstairs in the kitchen, then I dreamed the cats came in and were climbing all over me (which I wish would've happened cuz that probably would have woken me), and all sorts of odd things. I was screaming "I just want to wake up! Please let me wake up!" I was panicking that I wouldn't be able to wake up. I actually hoped that Little Baby would wake up and start crying for me because I know a crying baby can always get me out of bed, but he slept another 1/2hr. Finally I somehow managed to pull myself out of the zombie state and struggle to my feet. I kept looking back at the couch to reassure myself that I wasn't still laying there lol. It took a good 10 minutes for my body to stop trying to shut down again. Goodness, I really hate when that happens! Note to self: do not take a double dose of medicine before laying down if I have things that I need to be awake for.
Tuesday To-Do
I don't have much to do today. Little Baby will be here soon. I might go to the bank. I guess I should do a load or two of laundry, I keep forgetting. I have a cold that my boys were kind enough to pass on to me before they left for the week, so I'm all stuffy and miserable, hopefully meds kick in soon. I'm glad I only have Little Baby to take care of today, I might actually get to take a nap.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Crazy lives
The other day I was flipping through US Weekly while waiting in line for Harry Potter #7 and I was just shocked at the lives of so many celebrities. Story after story of divorce, jail, drug rehabs, DUI, and so much more. It actually made me feel sorry that they feel so much pressure in their lives that they do those things. And it made me glad I don't live in the spotlight all the time. Who knows how I would handle it. I don't even know why I read those magazines lol. I guess it's like a train wreck, you don't really want to see it but you can't stop yourself.
Dog Days of Summer Bloggy Giveaway!

I might think of other things to give away this week, so check back! Also, anyone who stops by this week can get 10% off at my store Kara's Custom Crochet. Just email me before placing an order.
This is open to USA and Canada residents only. Just leave a comment to enter (duplicates will be removed). You do not need a blog to enter, but make sure to leave an email address for me to reach you if you win. Drawing will be held sometime Friday morning, and I will accept any comments submitted by then. Make sure to check out all the great giveaways at Rocks in My Dryer!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Did you miss me?
I'm back! We had a fun and busy weekend visiting with my family. On Friday we went to WalMart at midnight to get Harry Potter, woohoo! Saturday we went swimming with my brother and his wife, the boys had a blast, and I completely forgot to get pics of them having fun in the pool. Then my sister-in-law took Hubby and me to my new favorite store- IKEA! I'd never been there and they just got a new store there, it was awesome! We spent an hour walking around, but could've easily spent longer. Then today we went to church with my family and then came home, where we had dinner with the in-laws before they packed up our boys and left. Now we get to enjoy a kid-free week! (well, except Little Baby who I'll still be babysitting) It was a really fun weekend.
I've already finished Harry Potter, and it was great! Much better than I anticipated! I might even read it again, just to see what I might have missed in my fast reading this weekend. I am really happy with the way it ended, but sad that the series is over.
I've already finished Harry Potter, and it was great! Much better than I anticipated! I might even read it again, just to see what I might have missed in my fast reading this weekend. I am really happy with the way it ended, but sad that the series is over.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Taking Off

Digital Love
I love my camera. I don't know how I survived before digital cameras came out. Film cameras seem so primitive now! Having to get the film developed, not being able to preview and discard pics, I don't know how people did it. I'm so happy I can take a thousand pictures and only print the ones I really want, the rest I can easily store on my computer and online to quickly share with people. We have a Canon Powershot A610, and it is perfect for us, just a point and click type. Works better than our last digital camera. I can easily take 300 pics of a day at the park, then come home and go through them and put the best ones online to share. If you don't have a digital camera you are really missing out!
Harry Potter!

So, who is excited that the final book is coming out tonight?! I know I am! I'll be going at midnight to get it. I can't wait to see how it ends. I've read all the books so far at least twice, I love them :D It will be sad to finally have the series over though, I'm always sad when I finish a series, especially a really good one. Are you going to get it tonight?
Nursing away the weight
When I was nursing Baby, all the pregnancy weight, and then some, just fell right off. I was eating all the time but my family and Hubby's kept telling me I needed to eat more and that I was too skinny. It's not like I was taking diet pills or something, but my naturally high metabolism combined with breastfeeding just caused the weight to come off. I actually got down to 110lbs at one point, which I do recognize as being underweight for my height, but I really was not trying to lose weight. And then of course after I stopped nursing my body went to a more normal weight by itself. What's funny is that with each of my boys I've ended up weighing less after I had them than before, at this rate by the time I'm done having kids I'll be a toothpick!
Friday's Feast

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how much do enjoy watching sports on television?
- Football is the only sport I watch and I'd say about 8-9
If you could completely memorize any one work of fiction, which one would you pick?
- I really can't think of one I'd like to memorize, maybe Romeo and Juliet since it is so popular and quoted a lot
What is your favorite breakfast food?
- French Toast, or German Pancake, mmmm
Main Course
Name something fun you can do for less than $10.00.
- Go Swimming, go to a movie, get a fast food meal
How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
- Probably about 1/2hr, depending on how many kids are in the bed lol
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Weekend trip
This weekend we decided we are going to go visit my family, 3 hours away. We only get to see them every 1-2 months, and I would love to be able to see them more. We were going to go next weekend, but I forgot we have to get the boys from the inlaws that Saturday which wouldn't work cuz they are an hour the other direction. So I figured we'd go the next weekend, but then I remembered that's when we are going camping with Michelle's family. So we are going this weekend. That means that today and tomorrow I'll be busy doing laundry, getting the car and van's oil changed, packing for this weekend, packing the boys stuff so that when we get back Sunday they will be ready to go with the inlaws for the week, and all the normal stuff I have to do during my day while taking care of 3 kids under 3, by myself. Fun stuff. I guess I better call my family and let them know we are coming too lol.
Keeping out the sun
I hate our blinds, plastic blinds have always annoyed me, they just look cheap. I would much prefer wood blinds, or even faux wood blinds, they look so much nicer. Plus our cats like to jump in the windows and they are always bending and breaking our plastic blinds. I think wood would help keep the heat out better too. Maybe when we eventually remodel a bit inside we can get some nicer ones.
5 Questions MEME
OK, I think this is the last MEME I have waiting for me to finish. Let me know if you've tagged me for any more lol. This one is from Lorie. You answer the 5 questions from the person who tagged you then are supposed to tag more people and ask them 5 new questions. I know I'm supposed to tag people, but really, everyone I know is already swamped with memes lol. So if you want to do it go ahead and answer these questions too.
1. What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far?
- Giving birth to my children, one by c-section, and one all natural (no meds)
2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
- When people don't do things the same way as me lol, like dishes, folding laundry, etc. I don't mind them doing it, I just can't watch.
3. If you went to a yard sale what would you most likely be looking for and buy?
- I don't go to yard sales often, but I'd probably just browse until something caught my eye.
4. What is the greatest deal you have ever gotten shopping?
- Well, our TV was a good deal in terms of the amount we saved, but in terms of % of cost saved, I'd have to say the hammock and chess set we bought in Cancun, we paid less than half of the asking cost for both.
5. Who is your best friend and what qualities do they posses that make them your best friend?
- I guess my husband, cuz he is always there loving me no matter what I do :) We've always had a lot in common.
1. What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far?
- Giving birth to my children, one by c-section, and one all natural (no meds)
2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
- When people don't do things the same way as me lol, like dishes, folding laundry, etc. I don't mind them doing it, I just can't watch.
3. If you went to a yard sale what would you most likely be looking for and buy?
- I don't go to yard sales often, but I'd probably just browse until something caught my eye.
4. What is the greatest deal you have ever gotten shopping?
- Well, our TV was a good deal in terms of the amount we saved, but in terms of % of cost saved, I'd have to say the hammock and chess set we bought in Cancun, we paid less than half of the asking cost for both.
5. Who is your best friend and what qualities do they posses that make them your best friend?
- I guess my husband, cuz he is always there loving me no matter what I do :) We've always had a lot in common.
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that Baby finally had 2 teeth come in that he's been teething on forever, so he's happier. Still has a few more that he's starting teething on but not as bad yet.
I'm also thankful for the 4 wonderful years Hubby and I have had together so far. It has been great and I love him so much and the family we have created together. I feel so blessed.
I'm also thankful for the 4 wonderful years Hubby and I have had together so far. It has been great and I love him so much and the family we have created together. I feel so blessed.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Interior designer at heart
I like imagining all the redecorating stuff I could do to my house. A few months ago, Michelle and I took our kids to Home Depot to build something in their kid's workshop with their Daddy's. Meanwhile Michelle and I took the little ones and walked through the store looking at kitchen displays, bathroom vanities, jacuzzi tubs, and more, talking about all the things we liked and wanted. I do the same thing whenever I go to Lowe's with Hubby. It's fun to build a dream home in my mind. In college I even though of going into interior design, but I didn't, I don't think the school had a good program for it or something. Maybe if I go back to school sometime I'll look into that.
Moaning MEME
OK, another meme I got tagged for that I'm going to do before I forget :D Skittles tagged me this time. The original moaning meme is at freelancecynic.com.
The Moaning Meme
4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
1. Corn Tortillas, my most hated food, if you can even call it a food
2. Alcoholic drinks
3. I'll have to agree with Skittles and say those dang "Head On" commercials
4. Bills
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently.
1. Drive stupidly
2. Smoke around non-smokers
3. Reorganize my stuff
2 things you find yourself moaning about.
1. Sleep, or the lack of
2. Housework
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.
I'm picky and grumpy when I don't get enough sleep and have too much housework :D
* Link to the original meme at freelancecynic.com so people know what it's all about!
* Be as honest as possible, This is about letting people get to know the real you!
* Try not to insult anyone - unless they really deserve it or are very, very ugly!
* Post these rules at the end of every meme!
I'm not tagging anyone for this one because I think all my friends are going to give up blogging if I do lol.
The Moaning Meme
4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth.
1. Corn Tortillas, my most hated food, if you can even call it a food
2. Alcoholic drinks
3. I'll have to agree with Skittles and say those dang "Head On" commercials
4. Bills
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently.
1. Drive stupidly
2. Smoke around non-smokers
3. Reorganize my stuff
2 things you find yourself moaning about.
1. Sleep, or the lack of
2. Housework
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself.
I'm picky and grumpy when I don't get enough sleep and have too much housework :D
* Link to the original meme at freelancecynic.com so people know what it's all about!
* Be as honest as possible, This is about letting people get to know the real you!
* Try not to insult anyone - unless they really deserve it or are very, very ugly!
* Post these rules at the end of every meme!
I'm not tagging anyone for this one because I think all my friends are going to give up blogging if I do lol.
Pamper yourself
How do you pamper yourself? I like taking a long hot bath with a good book, while Hubby takes care of the kids. Usually this ends abruptly when I can hear screaming, whining, and Hubby yelling for help lol. But most of the time it works well. I also like taking naptimes to unwind by getting something to snack on and reading or watching TV. And if I could afford professional massages every week I would definitely do that lol. I think it's important to de-stress and get some time to clear your head. So what do you do to unwind and relax?
House buying
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say buying a house was simple. There's always something that goes wrong with the house, closing, mortgage companies, etc. For us when it came to close, that was the most stressful since it took a day longer and we were out of town with no extra clothes, diapers, etc and a 2 wk old baby. What was helpful though is our mortgage broker and real estate broker were relatives so communication wasn't a problem, but it was still a huge hassle. That is one reason we don't plan on moving anytime soon.
Happy Anniversary!

I love the engagement and wedding pics of us, we are so cute and happy. I really want to have my hair long and red again like it was then, I loved it and Hubby loved it. I guess we haven't changed much in 4 years. Hubby now has a hot goatee and I've got the mommy look going on, we've both got a bit more belly lol. But otherwise we haven't changed much.
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
One day I'll win
Well, you should realize by now that I love entering contests. The only thing I've won so far is a box of Fruity Cheerios, but I'm sure one of these days I'll win something nicer! Adventures in Babywearing is having another contest, this time for a $50 gift certificate to Kangaroodle, a store with lots of cool baby gear, including slings, diaper bags, and sippy cups. Go check it out now, the contest ends tomorrow! Also check out the new launch of Mama Speaks.
I need a personal chef
I hate to cook. I've never really liked it. Except for the foods class I took in high school, I liked cooking for that class. But in normal every day life, no way. It has to be quick and easy or I won't even consider it. I try cooking dinner 3 nights a week, and that's an accomplishment for me. Maybe if I had some nice Pampered Chef or bernedes cookware I might cook more. Well, maybe for a while until the novelty wore off lol. It's not that I can't cook, I'm no chef but my food is still pretty good. I just don't like taking the time I guess. I am a very impatient person. And lazy. Plus we don't have a lot of ingredients for really yummy recipes. I need to start making a weekly menu so I can actually buy foods that I can cook with. I did that for a while once, using the book "Saving Dinner" by Leanne Ely (you might know her from Flylady.com) and we really liked most of the dinners. But I was buying a lot of things that we don't normally use a lot of and they would go bad or never get used again, and were spending a ton on groceries. I need something simpler, just easy family recipes that are quick and don't have a ton of weird ingredients. What are your favorite easy recipes?
OK, I was tagged by Alice for this weeks ago, but kept forgetting. So I guess I better get it done while I remember. I also have 2 other meme's I was tagged for this week that I will do later, if I remember.
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:
1. Daddy Forever
2. The Ice Box
3. The Buzz Queen
4. I Was Born2Cree8
5. A Bit of Me
Next select five people to tag:
1. Amanda
2. Dawn
3. Beth
4. Michelle
5. Richard
Then answer the following questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Let's see, I was 13. Ah, Jr High, the worst years of my life. Seriously. I had a horrible boy haircut, giant tinted glasses, and was one of the least popular kids in school. I was always a few years behind in style. I hate those pictures.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Well, one year ago Baby was just a month and a half old, we'd only been living here a month so we were busy getting used to our new home. I hung out with Michelle a lot, going to the park with the kids. Otherwise, life was pretty much the same.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Peanut M&Ms
2. Rolos
3. Popcorn
4. Cookies
5. Homemade Bread
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. The ABC Song
3. Veggietales Theme Song
4. Go Diego Go Theme Song (starting to see a pattern here? LOL)
5. When You Say Nothing At All by Alison Krauss
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Payoff our debts
2. Payoff our families debts
3. Help out my friends whenever they needed it
4. Have a bunch in savings
5. Go on lots of fun vacations (with family and friends)
Five bad habits:
1. Spending too much time online
2. Eating too much junk food
3. Not getting to bed at a decent hour
4. Picking at scabs and stuff
5. Forgetting everything
Five things you like doing:
1. Making my kids laugh
2. Reading
3. Blogging
4. Taking trips (as long as I'm not driving)
5. Sleeping
Five things you would never wear again:
1. Jean vests (see "10 years ago" above)
2. Tapered jeans
3. Overalls
4. Short shirts
5. Dress with lacy collar
Five favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. Camera
3. TV
4. Can't think of any more
Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:
1. Daddy Forever
2. The Ice Box
3. The Buzz Queen
4. I Was Born2Cree8
5. A Bit of Me
Next select five people to tag:
1. Amanda
2. Dawn
3. Beth
4. Michelle
5. Richard
Then answer the following questions:
What were you doing 10 years ago?
Let's see, I was 13. Ah, Jr High, the worst years of my life. Seriously. I had a horrible boy haircut, giant tinted glasses, and was one of the least popular kids in school. I was always a few years behind in style. I hate those pictures.
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Well, one year ago Baby was just a month and a half old, we'd only been living here a month so we were busy getting used to our new home. I hung out with Michelle a lot, going to the park with the kids. Otherwise, life was pretty much the same.
Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Peanut M&Ms
2. Rolos
3. Popcorn
4. Cookies
5. Homemade Bread
Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. The ABC Song
3. Veggietales Theme Song
4. Go Diego Go Theme Song (starting to see a pattern here? LOL)
5. When You Say Nothing At All by Alison Krauss
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Payoff our debts
2. Payoff our families debts
3. Help out my friends whenever they needed it
4. Have a bunch in savings
5. Go on lots of fun vacations (with family and friends)
Five bad habits:
1. Spending too much time online
2. Eating too much junk food
3. Not getting to bed at a decent hour
4. Picking at scabs and stuff
5. Forgetting everything
Five things you like doing:
1. Making my kids laugh
2. Reading
3. Blogging
4. Taking trips (as long as I'm not driving)
5. Sleeping
Five things you would never wear again:
1. Jean vests (see "10 years ago" above)
2. Tapered jeans
3. Overalls
4. Short shirts
5. Dress with lacy collar
Five favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. Camera
3. TV
4. Can't think of any more
Running, running, running
So we are doing pretty good on our couch to 5k program. We are on week 7 of 9. I can now run 25 minutes without dying, which is really good, considering I could barely run 2-3 minutes when we started. We run in the evenings now, it's nicer. The air is cooling down, we get to see the sun set, the sprinklers come on in time to cool us off, and Hubby usually works on getting the kids to bed while we're gone. And we sit and chat for a bit when we are done, it's really nice to have some time to just talk without kids. I'm surprised my shoes have held up, they aren't Air Jordans or anything. I think I paid $5 for them at Goodwill. I know, you shouldn't buy used shoes, but when you have no money you get what you can. I bought them when I started my fast food job last year, and so far they have done me well. No holes, not worn out, and more comfy the more I use them. Though by the time this race is over I might need some new ones.
Tuesday To-Do

* Clean the office
* Clean the boys room
* Fold and put away the laundry piled at the foot of my bed
* Dishes
* Clean living room
* Vacuum
That sounds like enough for one day :) Don't have anywhere to go today, just stay home and watch kids. I would prefer to get a nap instead of clean, but I'm sure I won't lol. I slept really well last night but this morning I feel exhausted, maybe from running last night.
When we moved into this house last year, the backyard was such a disaster. The previous owners hadn't really done anything with it except throw yard waste back there. It is on a slope so it's hard to work with. It was covered in weeds, waste, and rocks. Hubby has done an excellent job with fixing it up. He tilled it, smoothed it out, planted grass, had dirt brought in to bring up the level of the bottom half, and will plant grass there too. We are going to create some tiers on the top steepest part. I want to dig out some bushes around our deck that are ugly and overgrown, refinish our decks, maybe get some teak outdoor furniture, and eventually our backyard is going to look so nice! It's already so much nicer than it was at this time last year, and I'm sure it's brought the property value up. We like to go sit out on the back lawn in the evening when it gets cooler and enjoy the fresh air and let the boys play.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Mega Contest!
Over at Ashwin’s blog, you will find one crazy blog owner!! You can win $2500!! To enter just copy this text and paste it in your blog!! But hurry, this competition will not last long! So get posting!
You know what I'd do with this money? Pay off the TV, pay off hospital bill, pay off landscape stuff, and put the rest into my "I want a baby" fund lol.
You know what I'd do with this money? Pay off the TV, pay off hospital bill, pay off landscape stuff, and put the rest into my "I want a baby" fund lol.
Date night
My anniversary is coming up this week. Hubby and I have been married almost 4 years. I would love to go stay at a nice Bed and Breakfast or this hotel in town with themed suites, but this year we won't be going to any hotel, B&B, Condo Hotels, or anywhere overnight. Got kids to take care of you know. Plus hotels are expensive, well nice ones anyway. So instead we are going to dinner and a movie. Not sure where we'll eat, we haven't decided yet, but we are going to go see the new Harry Potter. It will be nice to have a date night without the kids.
Monday Madness
Wow, that weekend went way too fast and I did not get enough sleep. Friday night Hubby brought home "The TV" so we spent probably 2 hours rearranging furniture to make room for it. My neck still hurts from moving the entertainment center downstairs. Then we stayed up another hour or two watching TV cuz it was so cool. I didn't get to sleep until around 2:30am. Then we had a busy Saturday (did I tell you about the Harry Potter costume party we went too? Hm, guess I'll have to make another post for that) and stayed up again too late Saturday night watching a show. Of course Sunday we had church nice and early (ok, 9 isn't really that early, but it feels like it when you haven't gotten to bed until after 1 the past few nights) and I stayed up again too late last night. And the boys didn't sleep well last night either. So, I'm really tired, and if I can get all 3 boys napping at the same time today I am going to try to lay down for a bit. I need to go to the store for a bunch of stuff, plus stop at Waldenbooks in the mall to see if I can still pre-order the last Harry Potter book to pick up Friday night. I have a book I need to finish reading for an online book club, I want to finish it before I get HP7. I might just wait to go to the store when Hubby gets home from work, it's just a pain to take 3 small kids to the store by myself.
Hope everyone has a good week!
Hope everyone has a good week!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Layout Changes
I've been wanting to change my layout again, I get bored easily lol. So I'll probably be messing with it a little here and there for a few days. Been thinking of going back to a 2 column template, but not sure if I will since I have so many things in my sidebars. Anyway, let me know if you like it or not!
Odd Fears?
10,000 Visitors!
Today my blog passed the 10,000 visitor mark! Actually there have been more since I started in September but didn't have a counter up until January 1st, but we'll just stick with what the counter says lol :D
Thanks all of you who read my blog. It's been fun!
Thanks all of you who read my blog. It's been fun!
Weight Loss
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Not sure if I'm angry or happy!?
OK, you will never guess what my crazy husband did last night! Yesterday our TV died, just gave up and decided not to work. Just great. So we were going to go try to find a nice, inexpensive TV sometime soon. Well, Hubby decided to head to the store last night, I guess just to look. Normally we don't make big purchases without consulting each other, but he couldn't reach me cuz he had my cell and we can't call the house from it, so he went ahead and did it without my ok, and it was NOT ok! He bought a 50" plasma TV!!! Sure, it was 40% off, making it $900 instead of $1500, but we do not have $900 to just spend like that! He had to put it on our credit card, that we just barely got paid off last month. On one hand, I am ticked that he bought it, especially since his main reason for not getting pregnant again right now is we don't have money. But on the other hand- holy cow I have a 50" plasma TV! Football season is going to be awesome!
This beauty is now taking up a whole wall in our living room:
This beauty is now taking up a whole wall in our living room:

Family Finance
SMART Habit Saturday

This week my new goal is one I've already been working on this week- making my bed every morning. I really love how much neater it automatically makes my room look and much more pleasant to crawl into at the end of the day.
Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day- 4/7
#2- Keep up with dishes- 6/7
#3- Brush teeth once a day- 6/7
#4- Read scriptures daily- 7/7
#5- Toddler bedtime routine- 4/7
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm- 4/7
#7- 50 crunches a day- 5/7
#8- Take vitamins every day- 7/7
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home- 7/7
#10- 1 load of laundry each day- 2/7
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night- 13/14
#12- Dinner 3x during the week- 2/3
#13- Lotion every day- 6/7
#14- Floss every day- 2/7
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen- 7/7
#16- Clean office each day- 5/7
#17- Make bed every morning
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Poker Pal
At least once a day Toddler makes me laugh by something funny he says, usually unexpectedly. I usually forget to write them down too, but I try to remember the extra funny ones. Today he was playing with blocks on the floor by me and started, um, filling his diaper. Rather loudly. And of course nothing embarrasses me anymore, so I say "Are you pooping?" He gives me that "you caught me" look and says "Yep! Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!" And I realized it had indeed sounded somewhat like a frog croaking and started laughing uncontrollably, which made him laugh at me and every time he laughed he tooted a bit more, making us both laugh even more. Ah, the joys of bodily functions lol. Once upon a time I would have found such a thing gross and embarrassing, but that was before I had a dozen people stare at me giving birth, before I caught throw up with my bare hands to keep it off the carpet, before I had been pooped on numerous times by babies. After kids, nothing phases me lol.
Friday's Feast

What is your favorite fruit?
- Probably banana cuz it's yummy and easy. Of course I love fresh pineapple too, but it's not quite as convenient.
Who is someone you consider as a great role model?
- Well, the only person I can think of right now is Jesus lol
If you were to spend one night anywhere within an hour of your home, where would you choose?
- Oh come on, there's nothing fun within one hour of anywhere in Idaho :P lol. I guess since next week is our anniversary we could go spend the night at the hotel we went to on our honeymoon, that's an hour away.
Main Course
Name something you do too often.
- Blog, plain and simple
Fill in the blank: I really like ___________ because ____________.
- I really like sleep because I don't get enough.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Laundry Monster

Time to share
It's that time again. When I show you to some great posts I've read in the past few weeks and you enjoy it :D You do enjoy it right? ;)
Congrats to Jen of Amazing Trips on her new baby boy! I just found out about Jen a few weeks ago when she was still pregnant. She is such a funny writer and now has an adorable little boy to add to her toddler triplets.
Antique Mommy's posts are all good, so go read them all, but especially this, this, and this.
Kids say the darnedest things, as Tisha shares with us.
Check out Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for some delicious recipes.
More funny stuff happening to Dawn, though there's no pepper involved this time (I'm still giggling over the pepper story lol).
Find some cool tips for cooking, cleaning, and looking good at Home Ec 101, which I've been enjoying lately.
Parenting has it's it's rewards and tough times. Rachel Anne shares with us some parenting advice at Home Sanctuary.
And my good friend Michelle shares some great marriage advice at Life is Just Ducky.
Go check out these good posts and have a great day!
Congrats to Jen of Amazing Trips on her new baby boy! I just found out about Jen a few weeks ago when she was still pregnant. She is such a funny writer and now has an adorable little boy to add to her toddler triplets.
Antique Mommy's posts are all good, so go read them all, but especially this, this, and this.
Kids say the darnedest things, as Tisha shares with us.
Check out Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for some delicious recipes.
More funny stuff happening to Dawn, though there's no pepper involved this time (I'm still giggling over the pepper story lol).
Find some cool tips for cooking, cleaning, and looking good at Home Ec 101, which I've been enjoying lately.
Parenting has it's it's rewards and tough times. Rachel Anne shares with us some parenting advice at Home Sanctuary.
And my good friend Michelle shares some great marriage advice at Life is Just Ducky.
Go check out these good posts and have a great day!
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for Ibuprofen. Seriously. My mouth hurts from going to the orthodontist yesterday, it even woke me up this morning cuz it hurt so bad. But the Ibuprofen is helping it feel a little better. Tylenol does nothing for me for some reason, but Ibuprofen works great. I was tempted to take the extra strength prescription Ibuprofen leftover from when I had Baby, but I figured it might not be good when I have to be awake to watch 3 kids all day lol.
So I'm thankful for modern medicine that can make me feel better :D What are you thankful for today?
So I'm thankful for modern medicine that can make me feel better :D What are you thankful for today?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Ortho Update
Well, I forgot to ask the orthodontist when I could get my braces off. Baby started crying and I had to calm him down and by the time that was done ortho was gone :P Oh well. The appointment went quick, and now my teeth are sore. I hate that I can barely chew for a few days after every appointment. And I don't even have any pudding or jello :P Though I do have ice cream.
Metal teeth

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday To-Do

Anyway, here's my to do:
* Go to bank to deposit money
I did a bunch of cleaning today. I met a lady that works with Little Baby's mom. She is having a baby in a few months and wanted to meet me to see if I could babysit her baby too when she goes back to work around December. They brought me lunch, the house was clean, and the boys behaved. Her and her hubby are coming to meet with us tomorrow night too.
Anyway, Little Baby should wake up soon so I better get something to eat while my hands are still free :)
Monday, July 09, 2007
Grand Opening!!!

Monday Madness
Today is just another normal day at my house. The boys are making messes, Little Baby is napping right now, and I'm just cooking some mac n cheese. I finally figured out I can keep the office cooler by putting our box fan in here, so I'm not sweating to death. I'm also working on moving my crochet store to a blog, it's coming along good and will be ready soon. Then maybe I'll get a bit more traffic to it. Tonight we go running, we are doing pretty good with our couch to 5k training. Well, better go see if the macaroni's done!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Sunday Saying
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."
- Muhammad Ali
We are all here on Earth and it is our obligation to give something through service. That might be through doing our part in conservation, or by helping the poor, or even just teaching our children well so that they grow up to be compassionate people. In order for us as a people to go on living we need to be giving, not always taking what we want. If everyone just took and took and took, resources would quickly be depleted, crime would flourish, and war and destruction would be inevitable. But by giving of ourselves we help maintain order and peace. By taking care of the planet we insure that it can continue to care for us, by helping those around us we create love and caring that keep us from constantly fighting, and by giving ourselves as teachers and examples for our children we ensure that future generations will continue to give.
- Muhammad Ali
We are all here on Earth and it is our obligation to give something through service. That might be through doing our part in conservation, or by helping the poor, or even just teaching our children well so that they grow up to be compassionate people. In order for us as a people to go on living we need to be giving, not always taking what we want. If everyone just took and took and took, resources would quickly be depleted, crime would flourish, and war and destruction would be inevitable. But by giving of ourselves we help maintain order and peace. By taking care of the planet we insure that it can continue to care for us, by helping those around us we create love and caring that keep us from constantly fighting, and by giving ourselves as teachers and examples for our children we ensure that future generations will continue to give.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
SMART Habit Saturday

My new goal is going to be to clean up in the office each day. It doesn't get cleaned often enough and when I sit in here I feel surrounded by junk. So if I clean it up a bit each night when I log off it should stay in pretty good shape.
Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day- 3/7
#2- Keep up with dishes- 5/7
#3- Brush teeth once a day- 7/7
#4- Read scriptures daily- 7/7
#5- Toddler bedtime routine- 6/7
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm- 4/7
#7- 50 crunches a day- 7/7
#8- Take vitamins every day- 7/7
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home- 7/7
#10- 1 load of laundry each day- 1/7
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night- 13/14
#12- Dinner 3x during the week- 2/3
#13- Lotion every day- 7/7
#14- Floss every day- 1/7
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen- 7/7
#16- Clean office each day
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Babywearing Contest
Adventures in Babywearing is holding another contest to win a baby carrier. This time it is a Podonbutai from All Natural Mommies. The Podonbutai is a new cross between a Podeagi, Onbuhimo, and Mei Tai. It is supposed to be easy to use and able to do anything that any of those 3 carriers can do. Sounds pretty cool to me! I'd love one. And if I keep entering these contests eventually I've got to win something lol!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Win a Scanalizer!


Thankful Thursday
Today I'm thankful for the great day we had yesterday. We really enjoyed spending time with family and friends. Our bbq was nice and Michelle even helped clean up after, isn't she great? Then later Michelle nvited us to join them at her inlaws to light off fireworks. It was fun, although my boys didn't like it lol. Toddler kept crying and saying "no more!" but he would finally watch them through the camera screen lol, guess he thought it was a movie that way. Then we went to a park to watch the city fireworks. Those were ok, and the boys liked those better since we were a few miles away and they weren't as loud and scary from there. We all got to bed later than normal, so we're still tired, but it was a good day. How was your 4th?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Favorite Independence Day Song
What is your favorite song about Independence Day, or the USA? I have one that has been playing through my head all day. I've always liked it but never really listened to the lyrics until I saw it on CrAzY Working Mom a few days ago. It is "Independence Day" by Martina McBride. I had never realized it is a song, not just about the 4th of July, but about domestic violence. It is a powerful song.

4th of July!!!

Thanks to all the armed forces who protect us and fight for freedom. God bless you all!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Last Chance!
Have you entered the contests at 5 Minutes for Mom yet? Today is your last day to get your entries in for their 4th of July Giveaway, so hurry and get entered! They are giving away some awesome things, like a Krupps Ice Cream Maker, a MetroWrap, t-shirts and more! Hurry up!
Summer fun
Ever since I heard they were making a new Transformers movie I have been so excited! I want to see it so bad! I grew up with mostly brothers so that means I grew up playing with cars, dinosaurs, and of course Transformers. I loved the animated Transformers movie and thinks it's awesome they made a "real" movie. It looks so neat. I especially like how Optimus Prime looks in it. Hopefully we can go see it soon.
Help! I'm online, and I can't get off!
So, Little Baby and Baby are both asleep and Toddler is happily watching cartoons. I should be using this time to clean. I really need to clean the office, bathroom, boys' room, kitchen, living room, vacuum the whole house, do dishes, and do laundry. But here I sit. I don't know why. I've done my daily messageboard and blog rounds. There's nothing new for me to look at now, yet I can't seem to pull myself away from the computer. I keep refreshing my google reader to see if there's anything new and checking my favorite messageboards. But really, this isn't the busiest time of day online so I'm just wasting time.
OK, stand up...back away...stop typing...oh yeah, hit submit...
OK, stand up...back away...stop typing...oh yeah, hit submit...
Tuesday To-Do

* Finish folding the boys' laundry, never-ending
* Finish washing my friend's laundry
* Dishes, also never-ending
* Clean the office, it's a disaster
* Vacuum
* Go to the bank sometime before it closes
* Go to the library, maybe, have a fine to pay off
* Try to plan some dinners for the week
* Clean bathroom since I just remembered we have company coming over for a bbq tomorrow
Well, looks like it's going to be a very nice day out. Maybe I'll let the boys play outside a bit before it gets too hot. I need to go to the bank to deposit a check. Not sure if I'll go to the library. I need to return some books, pay a fine, and find something new to read. Any suggestions for a good book? Then I need to try getting the house cleaned up a bit since we will have the inlaws and Michelle's family over tomorrow for a bbq. Oh yeah, I'm going to need to go shopping later too for buns and stuff, but that can wait until Hubby gets home from work. Little Baby will be here any minute so I better wrap up my morning blogging quickly. Have a great day!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Make It Stop
Hi All,
This is Kara's Hubby talking here who is quickly melting away as I type this post. We are currently on week 4 of the heat wave in our area. We have seen nothing but 90 degree weather for almost 2 weeks and it is only June and early July. I was curious if anyone had some extra rain they could send our way or if they knew a good rain dance. Please keep me posted.
This is Kara's Hubby talking here who is quickly melting away as I type this post. We are currently on week 4 of the heat wave in our area. We have seen nothing but 90 degree weather for almost 2 weeks and it is only June and early July. I was curious if anyone had some extra rain they could send our way or if they knew a good rain dance. Please keep me posted.
Monday Madness
Wow, the weekend went way too fast! It's already Monday again?! Today is going really well so far. The boys are doing pretty good, though I did have a 1/2 hour where Little Baby and Baby both wanted to be held and were crying, but we got through that and now they are both sleeping while Toddler watches cartoons. I'm finishing up lunch then I think I'll let Toddler help me make some bread. I tried this Light Oatmeal Bread recipe that I found at Mom Advice and it's really yummy, so I'm going to make it again. If you know any good breadmaker recipes I'd love to hear them, it's fun to try new ones out.
The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. Later I'm going to let the boys play out in the water. The evenings have been so nice, when Hubby gets home. It's fun to just spend time outside when it's cooling down and let the boys get some fresh air. Tonight Michelle and I are going running. We decided to try doing it at night now so we won't have all the kids with us. We did it Saturday and I really enjoyed it. Plus the sprinklers at the track come on around 9pm and it's a great way to cool down at the end of our workout.
Have a great day everyone!
The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day. Later I'm going to let the boys play out in the water. The evenings have been so nice, when Hubby gets home. It's fun to just spend time outside when it's cooling down and let the boys get some fresh air. Tonight Michelle and I are going running. We decided to try doing it at night now so we won't have all the kids with us. We did it Saturday and I really enjoyed it. Plus the sprinklers at the track come on around 9pm and it's a great way to cool down at the end of our workout.
Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Sunday Saying
"Look, I have one job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it, okay?"
- Gwen, Galaxy Quest
This is a quote from a very funny movie, but I'm going to try finding a little more meaning to it lol. I think it shows that no matter what job you are responsible for, you have the choice to do it to the best of your abilities. Even if it might seem insignificant or small, you can still put your best effort into doing it well.
- Gwen, Galaxy Quest
This is a quote from a very funny movie, but I'm going to try finding a little more meaning to it lol. I think it shows that no matter what job you are responsible for, you have the choice to do it to the best of your abilities. Even if it might seem insignificant or small, you can still put your best effort into doing it well.
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