Happy Halloween everyone!!! I really enjoy Halloween because it is so fun to see all the fun costumes, get lots of candy, and watch my kids have fun. This year my boys are both knights and they love their costumes, especially the foam swords we got them lol. The costumes are a little small, but that's ok, they work. Hubby and I aren't dressing up. I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was probably 16.
So are you all going trick or treating? Trunk or treating? Staying home to pass out candy? In the last few places we lived our church had trunk or treating, but here they don't. That made me sad, because it is just so much easier with little kids to do the trunk or treats. But they will have fun anyway going trick or treating. First we are going to Hubby's work this afternoon for a little office trick or treat. Then we will come home and take them out trick or treating in our neighborhood, and then to my parent's house so they can do a little more T or T there. I'm not sure if I'm going to go with them around our neighborhood, or stay home and pass out candy. It will depend on whether my sister will be home or not.
Hope everyone has a fun holiday and be safe out there if you are going trick or treating!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I am thankful that today is over. It was mostly really boring and I got to stay in pj's, which is always nice, but now I'm feeling really stressed out and just want to head to bed. And I am thankful that tomorrow is Halloween. It's a fun holiday and I'm excited to get the boys dressed up for trick or treating. I love holidays with kids, they are fun.
What are you thankful for today?
What are you thankful for today?
Just another day
It's so nice to have a day where I didn't have anywhere to go. Every other day this week there has been something to do, but today we just stayed home and did nothing. I even stayed in pajamas all day. I'm still getting over a cold, but it seems to be getting a little better.
I'm excited for Halloween tomorrow. Hubby's work is having trick or treating at 3, and we will take the boys trick or treating around the neighborhood too. I'm not sure if my sister will e home or not, she may be going to a party. If she isn't home I"ll be staying home to pass out candy while Nate takes the boys out. The boys are excited to get to wear their costumes again. Hopefully it's not too cold. If it's like the rest of this week has been it shouldn't be too bad.
I'm excited for Halloween tomorrow. Hubby's work is having trick or treating at 3, and we will take the boys trick or treating around the neighborhood too. I'm not sure if my sister will e home or not, she may be going to a party. If she isn't home I"ll be staying home to pass out candy while Nate takes the boys out. The boys are excited to get to wear their costumes again. Hopefully it's not too cold. If it's like the rest of this week has been it shouldn't be too bad.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yummy cereal
Mmm, I love cereal. :) I usually eat a bowl of cereal before I head to bed (just finished some Cinnamon Toast Crunch) because I need to eat before bed and that's what sounds good. Of course, cereal has a lot of sugar in it (well, at least the cereals I like do, lol) so I need to get out of that habit after the baby is born or I won't be able to lose the pregnancy weight. As it is I feel like I need movers New York to come haul me off the couch some days, I am feeling so heavy! I really hope I lose the weight as easily this time as I have before, it's tiring carrying around the weight equivalent of Jason all day.
Forgotten passwords
I am so bad at remembering the passwords and usernames and things that I use for the many sites I visit that require a login (mostly messageboards). Usually I use the same one with a few different variations, but there are some sites with weird username/password requirements and those are the ones I can never remember. I need some kind of keylogger or password manager or something to keep track of what I put in. Oh wait, I guess my browser does store most usernames and passwords, but for some reason it doesn't on some sites. I really should just write them down somewhere or save them in a file.
Precious time
Jakey was never a good sleeper as a baby. It was seriously torture trying to get him (and consequently, me) to get any sleep. He woke up a million times a night and very rarely napped more than twice a day for just 30 mins. Luckily once he turned one it started getting better and he slept more at night and took more regular naps. Now he only occasionally wakes up at night, and he is still taking one nap a day, usually for 2 hrs. Those few hours are my sanity saver. The house is quiet and Jason plays nicely, so I can rest on the couch a bit. Now I'm just hoping that Jakey will keep up the naps for awhile longer since with a new baby I know I will need those precious few hours even more. It will be even better if the baby is a good napper and will nap during that time too.
The best laid plans
I never managed to get all of my to-do list done yesterday, and was going to finish it up today, but only got a few more things done lol. I'm not sure why I bother making a list, but at least it makes me feel better to at least have a plan to do something. I love making lists too. I like having things look nice and organized like that. Of course you wouldn't know it by looking at my house lol, it definitely doesn't look so nice and organized. It's not so easy to keep up with my plans as it is to make them.
It's creeping up on me
I keep forgetting that Christmas is coming up in just 2 months and I have no ideas for presents for anyone! I don't think it'll be hard to find something the boys will like. Though I have noticed Jason pays more attention to commercials than he used to. Anytime a commercial for a cool toy, like an rc helicopter or those little cars that can drive on walls, comes on he goes, "Mom, we need to get that!" Advertising sure does work well on little kids lol. Hubby on the other hand is harder to shop for. I always want to get him something he really wants and is special, but the only thing I can ever think of is DVDs (which he does like). I feel like a loser for not thinking of anything more creative.
On one of the messageboards I frequent, there is a lady whose family takes a yearly vacation to the Outer Banks. She would always be posting her updates about these awesome trips to OBX, but for the longest time I could not figure out what OBX stood for! I finally figured it out just a month or so ago and felt so silly for not knowing. But really, with it being across the country it's not really a common vacation spot for people from here so I'd enver heard of it before. Unfortunately it is much too far away for me to go there, but it sure does sound like fun.
A few weeks ago I was thinking about whether or not the birth center I'm going to has a wireless Internet connection or not. I was even considering getting a mobile router to bring with me just in case. But then I realized that I really don't need it that bad. For one, I'll only be there a short time and I'm pretty sure I'll too busy with my new little baby to care about getting online right away. And secondly, I can text updates to my Twitter account for anyone to check. So, I won't really need the Internet available, and my online buddies can just look for my Twitter update. Works out good for me. :)
Pumpkin Patch
Today my cousin came by with her son and we went to a pumpkin patch. We don't need any more pumpkins since we already carved pumpkins Monday (and I promise I will get pics up eventually!) but she needed to get a bunch and we thought the boys would have fun. We pulled the boys around in a big cart and they loved seeing all the pumpkins and bouncing along. I did pick up 5 mini pumpkins for us because I thought it would be nice to paint them and put them on the table. Now I just need to get some paint! I'm going to try to get that tomorrow so we can paint them tomorrow night.
Oh, and I am so mad, I forgot to bring my camera to get some cute pics of the boys and all the pumpkins, scarecrow, etc. :P I always forget my camera for cute stuff!
Oh, and I am so mad, I forgot to bring my camera to get some cute pics of the boys and all the pumpkins, scarecrow, etc. :P I always forget my camera for cute stuff!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Laptop vs. Desktop
The last few weeks I have been using our desktop computer much more than our laptop. This is a big change for me, because usually I like to sit on the couch and be able to move where I want with the laptop. But I realized that the couch was making my back hurt more and office chairs are just a bit more comfortable at this point. I don't like how slow the desktop works sometimes, but right now I prefer comfort over convenience. I'll probably keep using it for a bit after the baby's born too, since it'll be easier to use while holding the baby. Don't worry though, my laptop isn't getting too neglected, my sister uses it now.
My loser
My Hubby has been doing really well on his weight loss. He has been following a diet my brother gave him a month or so ago and it has seemed to have some results. I think he's lost around 21 lbs now, which is about 12% of his starting weight. So it looks like I don't have to worry about looking into diet pill reviews just yet since he seems to be doing ok on what he's doing. He only has about 4 more weeks to go in the contest and I just keep hoping that he wins.
Tuesday To-Do

* Vacuum - have already gotten family room :)
* Sweep kitchen
* Take sister to an appointment
* Dishes
* Pack labor bag, I keep putting it off
I think that's it! Not really too much to do. I already got my family room picked up and vacuumed and need to vacuum the living room. Dishes always need to be done. I swear they dirty themselves. I do a load a day and am still somehow always behind. One of the last things I need to do to get ready for baby is pack my bag for when I go into labor (and probably a bag for whoever will take care of the boys) and I might get around to doing that today.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Carving Time
We just got home from my parent's house, where we spent a few hours carving pumpkins. The boys really didn't do much for themselves, and Jakey did not like having the pumpkin guts on his hands lol, he had to keep going to the bathroom to wash them. So I did his and mine. I really hate emptying out the icky gooey insides. It is just gross. It's even grosser when the pumpkin is starting to rot inside. Yuck! I did get lots of pics, so I will try to remember to get some posted in the next few days. Now it is past the boys bedtime and we better get them to sleep.
Monday Madness
I had an appointment with my midwife this morning. Nothing new to report, just waiting for this little guy to decide when he wants to come out. I'm due in just under 3 weeks and getting anxious. We have everything pretty much ready for him, just need him to show up now. Did I mention I finally got the crib set up? I need to get the car seat in the car and pack my bag, but other than that I'm pretty set.
I have a yucky cold that is making me miserable. Especially at night, my throat feels like it's on fire from the cool, dry air. Jason also has a little cold, and Jakey might be coming down with it too. I went from telling the baby he could come out at any time now, to telling him to please wait until we are all well, lol. I'd prefer not to be sick with a newborn in the house.
We are going over to my parent's house later to carve pumpkins. That should be lots of fun. I only hate scooping out the seeds, eew! :P I bet the boys will enjoy it though. The messier the better to them lol.
I have a yucky cold that is making me miserable. Especially at night, my throat feels like it's on fire from the cool, dry air. Jason also has a little cold, and Jakey might be coming down with it too. I went from telling the baby he could come out at any time now, to telling him to please wait until we are all well, lol. I'd prefer not to be sick with a newborn in the house.
We are going over to my parent's house later to carve pumpkins. That should be lots of fun. I only hate scooping out the seeds, eew! :P I bet the boys will enjoy it though. The messier the better to them lol.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Flare up
Earlier on in my pregnancy I was so thrilled that my Psoriasis was looking so good. I had to worry about treatment of acne instead but that didn't bother me too much compared to how good the rest of my skin was looking. Unfortunately now it has been reversed. I have no acne problems now, but my Psoriasis has really flared up. It used to be easy to take care of with the lotion I've been using for a few years, but now that is barely helping at all. :( If it doesn't get better when I'm no longer pregnant, then I'll have to break down and go to a dermatologist for the first time in at least 10 years.
Movie Party
One of my online friends has a giant 92" front projection TV. That thing is massive! Some day I'd love to have a room in our home to make like a mini theater with a huge TV screen and big comfy seats and home theater lighting and all the works. Ooh, maybe a popcorn machine too! Then we can invite friends over (cuz with a room like that I'm sure people would want to be our friends, right?!) and have big movie parties. Plus it would be great for watching football. I can just imagine the Superbowl parties we could have. Hopefully one day.
Busy weekend
We had a very fun busy day yesterday. First Hubby and I headed to an old school that had moved and was giving away a bunch of old stuff like bookshelves and chairs and stuff. We found a whiteboard and a little table to put in the boys' playroom. The boys love the whiteboard. I'm glad we got it. Then we went shopping for groceries. After that we got the boys dressed up in their costumes and headed to the city Halloween carnival. They were having a trunk or treat, but we didn't realize it wasn't until a few hours later, so we headed to my parent's house for a little bit then went back. The trunk or treat was ok, though the boys were tired of the stopping and starting (it was way packed) and wanted to stop after just a few cars. Of course I am a horrible mommy and had them keep going cuz I wanted more candy lol. They did enjoy it though and have had way too much sugar the last two days. So after the trunk or treat we had to take my sister somewhere to do someone's makeup for a Halloween party, then we stopped to get a few things for dinner tonight and finally headed home. The boys were exhausted and Jakey didn't get his nap so he was very tired and grumpy. All together it was a fun day though and Jason has been begging to wear his costume all day lol.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bedtime yet?
Today I am not feeling very well. I slept horribly. I was awake from 1-4am, just tossing and turning. I finally went downstairs and slept on the couch for a few hours, which isn't very comfortable usually, but at least it worked. I also woke up with a scratchy, swollen sore throat and stuffy nose, though that seems to be getting a little better as the day goes on. And I have been starving! I had to get up and grab something to eat last night to keep from getting sick, and today I just feel like I haven't eaten anything even though I have eaten like normal. I"m not sure if this is all from the flu shot I got yesterday or just because.
But at least I'm getting stuff done. I did dishes already (though I'll have to do another load later today too), and I finally folded all the baby blankets, burp cloths, etc that have been waiting to be put away. I got that all ready for baby. I am also going to get the crib set up as soon as I can find the screwdriver. I'm slowly getting things marked off my baby to-do list.
But at least I'm getting stuff done. I did dishes already (though I'll have to do another load later today too), and I finally folded all the baby blankets, burp cloths, etc that have been waiting to be put away. I got that all ready for baby. I am also going to get the crib set up as soon as I can find the screwdriver. I'm slowly getting things marked off my baby to-do list.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Is it November yet?
Today I went to visit my brother's girlfriend's baby. She was born yesterday and she is just so cute and tiny! She was only 6lb 10oz and 18 inches, so compared to my 9lb babies she looked so small. It made me really want my little guy to come out! I want to be able to give my baby cuddles and kisses. And I'm just tired and uncomfortable and ready to be done lol. At least I only have a few more weeks to wait. If he takes after his brothers it shouldn't be more than 3.5wks. I feel like my belly just can't stretch anymore and it is getting harder to move myself around. It makes Hubby laugh when I grunt and groan getting off the couch lol.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Quick Day
We've had a nice busy day today. It always makes the day pass quicker when you are on the go a lot. We had to run my sister around to get some errands done like paperwork to get her cosmetology license. So we were in the car for a few hours, stopped at my family's house for a bit, and in the car some more. Then I had scouts at 4. And tonight my sister and I went to WalMart to walk for a bit. It's a little too cold outside to walk out there anymore so we figured we'd just do some laps at WalMart. That was fun because we left the boys with Hubby and got to just walk and talk, and then look at cute baby stuff for a bit. I'm hoping if we can get lots of walking in that it will help this baby decide he wants to come out sooner rather than later lol, though I'm not getting my hopes up too high since my two boys both arrived at 40wks so I am sure I probably have at least 3wks left.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday To-Do

* Clean family room
* Vacuum
* Fold laundry
* Put together crib
Our family room is trashed so I need to get the boys to help clean up, since it is mostly their mess. And I have a bunch of laundry sitting at the foot of my bed again so I really need to get that all put away. I also want to get the baby's crib put together today. It's time to start making sure everything is ready for when he decides to show up.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Chocolate Covered Jakey
What do you get when you mix chocolate dipped fruit and a 2 year old? This:

This pic doesn't even do justice to how chocolate-covered Jakey was lol. A few weeks ago we had my brother and his wife over for dinner and for dessert they brought a bunch of fruit to dip in dipping chocolate. It was soooo yummy! The boys had a lot of fun with it too, and ended up covered in chocolate, especially Jakey. He had it all over his body and we had to just throw them both in the shower to get them clean.
This pic doesn't even do justice to how chocolate-covered Jakey was lol. A few weeks ago we had my brother and his wife over for dinner and for dessert they brought a bunch of fruit to dip in dipping chocolate. It was soooo yummy! The boys had a lot of fun with it too, and ended up covered in chocolate, especially Jakey. He had it all over his body and we had to just throw them both in the shower to get them clean.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Well, we are finally home. :) I am glad we won't be going on any car trips that long for a few more months, because my back is just killing me and my knees hurt from sitting in the car all cramped. We always leave the inlaw's house with twice as much stuff as we go up there with, which means our car was packed tight to get home. Oh yeah, we took the car up there instead of the van to save on gas. Some of the stuff we came back with were a booster seat for Jason, 4 big nice lamps with lampshades, a jewelry stand that we are going to use as a little table in the living room, and 24 boxes of brownie mix (yum!). So along with our suitcase, pillows, jackets, and the boys in car seats in the backseat, we were extremely squished. But we made it home in one piece and I am so happy that I get to sleep in my bed tonight.
Falling apart
One of these days we really need to buy some new bedroom furniture. Ours is all mismatched and the bed frames falling apart. I find myself looking through magazines or watching shows and noticing any bedroom furniture that shows up and thinking of how it would look in our room. I'm hoping that maybe next year our tax return will be big enough to maybe at least get a new bed frame before ours completely gives out.
You can find anything online
The other day I was looking on Craigslist for something. I can't remember exactly what, but occasionally I like to just browse around and see what kind of stuff people are offering. I think I was looking up babysitting or something just to see if people around here are looking for babysitters. There are usually lots of ads for franchise opportunities and work at home stuff. It can be hard to find what you are looking for if you want something specicfic, but if you are just browsing around there is some interesting stuff.
Price Drop
One thing I have to remind myself when I want to buy some latest gadget is that usually after the initial big fuss the price goes way down. Like just a few days ago I saw a commercial about the price of a PS3 now being just $199, instead of whatever it was. So I see all these cool new phones coming out and think, "Man, I want that!", but then remind myself that if I am patient then I can buy it cheaper a year later or something.
Sleepless in Idaho
I don't know why it is, but Jakey always wakes up much earlier when we are at the inlaws. He usually goes to bed later, but still gets up early. Drives me nuts cuz he can't just play quietly for another hour, he has to make sure I'm awake too. Every few minutes he would open the door and go "Mommy, you need to get up, it's sunny time!" I kept telling him I was still tired so he'd go play for a little bit then come back and repeat. It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't just so tired, but the guest bed here is a lot firmer than our bed at home and by morning I'm in pain and not rested so it's just hard to get going. At least we don't have church until 1pm here so I don't have to rush around getting the boys ready. We are just going to Sacrament meeting today instead of all the meetings since we have to drive home tonight. I can't wait to sleep in my nice extra-soft bed tonight. :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
High-speed rocks!
I love that my sister-in-law has the same type of laptop as we do. It makes it so much easier to use the computer here. Plus they finally got high-speed Internet instead of dial-up! It wasn't available for a long time out here in the country, but now that they have a school being built across the street they had to get it out this way. Now they just need to get a router so the laptop can be used anywhere in the house instead of being plugged in to the modem. Hubby was saying that should be our Christmas gift for them this year. Sounds good to me :)
What about Bob?
I keep wondering if I should get a double stroller or not after the baby comes. On one hand we don't really use our stroller that often so it seems almost like a waste of money to buy a new, more expensive, stroller that won't get used often just for convenience. On the other hand when we went on our walk this week and both boys wanted to be in the stroller at the same time for a bit, I was thinking it would be a lot easier for them to have separate seats instead of having Jakey balance sitting on the top. I really like the double Bob strollers, because they are so cool looking and not gigantic like some double strollers I have seen, and I've heard that they are very high quality and durable so it would last me a good long time. I still haven't settled the debate with myself on whether I really need a double stroller or not. I guess we'll just have to see if we need one after the baby comes.
Sitting pretty
One thing I've been thinking about with another kid coming is getting a new carseat/booster for Jason soon. He is starting to get too tall for his carseat and I've been wanting to get him one of those seats that has the 5-point harness for bigger kids and converts to a booster, but right now we don't have the money for the one's I have been thinking about, like the Britax Frontier that has the 5-point harness up to 80lbs and is a seatbelt booster up to 100lbs. With something like that we wouldn't have to get Jason a new seat ever. Anyway, when we got to the inlaws last night she asked us if we want this high-back booster she bought. That would be a big help. Then we wouldn't have to worry about getting a new seat for a while and could use Jason's seat for the baby when he gets bigger.
Friday, October 17, 2008
A little vacay
Well, today we are off to Idaho. I just finished packing so as soon as Hubby gets home (he took a half day off) we are leaving. My back isn't hurting as bad today, so hopefully the trip won't be too bad on it. Plus it'll give me plenty of time to work on Jakey's blanket that I am determined to finish before the baby is born so I can start on one for him.
We will be back Sunday night, but the in-laws have Internet so I may or may not post this weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
We will be back Sunday night, but the in-laws have Internet so I may or may not post this weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Another day
My back is still hurting pretty bad, but I can't sit around and do nothing today. We are going up to Idaho this weekend so I need to get laundry done and the house cleaned up before we go. I am not looking forward to a 4hr car trip with my back hurting so much already, but oh well. It's probably the last time we'll be going up there until Christmas.
I wanted to do a little craft with the boys today, but I have to go see if I have what I would need for it, otherwise I'll have to come up with something else. Oh yeah, and I need to fix a couch cushion in the playroom that the boys tore apart :P Silly kids.
I wanted to do a little craft with the boys today, but I have to go see if I have what I would need for it, otherwise I'll have to come up with something else. Oh yeah, and I need to fix a couch cushion in the playroom that the boys tore apart :P Silly kids.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My back hates me
Ugh, last night was horrible. Yesterday my sister and I took the boys on a nice walk, which was fun and all. But afterwards my back was hurting worse than it was before I went to the chiro Monday and I had lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions the rest of the evening/night. And baby decided to be very active last night too. So I had a long miserable night in pain. I've been sitting with a hot rice bag on my lower back most of the morning to help me feel better. I'm not sure if I should go on any more walks for a few weeks until I hit term so I don't accidentally make myself go into labor too early lol.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Getting stuff done
I haven't done all of my list yet today, but off to an ok start :) My appointment this morning went well, everything looks perfect and I go back in a week. I did a load of dishes earlier, and will have to do another before bed. I cleaned up the family room a bit, though it still needs vacuumed. I haven't started on the laundry yet, but I am going to as soon as I get dinner done. I've been wanting something breakfast-y like French toast casserole (French toast is one of my favorite breakfast foods, mmm!), but I decided to stick to the menu and we are having twice-baked potatoes, also yummy. So gotta go get the potatoes out of the oven and get them ready.
Tuesday To-Do

So anyway, here is what I need to do today:
* Midwife Appointment at 9am
* Dishes, we are running out of clean ones
* Fold the mountain of laundry at the foot of the bed
* Clean up and vacuum family room
That all sounds doable :) Hopefully when we get back from my appointment I'll still be in a good mood and have the energy to get it all done quickly so I don't have to worry about it all day.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Madness
OK, sorry I didn't post all weekend. I haven't been feeling well. Just tired and my back hurts and I have a cold. So I didn't feel like writing anything. But I have a chiropractor appointment today, so that should help me feel better.
I had a scout meeting this morning that I almost forgot about because I wanted to lay down and sleep. But I did make it. I had to reschedule my midwife appointment that was this morning to tomorrow. And that's about as exciting as my week has been so far lol. :D
I'm off to make some lunch and then lay on the couch. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
I had a scout meeting this morning that I almost forgot about because I wanted to lay down and sleep. But I did make it. I had to reschedule my midwife appointment that was this morning to tomorrow. And that's about as exciting as my week has been so far lol. :D
I'm off to make some lunch and then lay on the couch. Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for my boys being so good today. Except for about an hour after Jakey woke up from his nap and was very grumpy, they have been cute and fun and good. I'm thankful we got out of the house this morning. We went with my mom to a place nearby called Gardner Village because it is all decorated for Halloween and had lots of fun witches and other decor up. Overall this has been a pretty good week, and I am thankful for that. :)
What are you thankful for?
What are you thankful for?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Leaf Art
The other day I decided to look up fun fall activities to do with the kids to try to bring a little more creativity into our home and interaction. A fun, simple idea I saw was to do leaf rubbings. Since I am not very creative normally, I thought this would be the perfect activity to start out our fall.
I gathered a handful of leaves off the trees in our yard in different sizes and shapes. Then I had the boys gather a few of their already broken and de-papered crayons. Then we just needed a few sheets of paper and we were ready to get started.
I demonstrated to the boys how you can put a leaf under the paper and rub it with a crayon and it makes a colorful leaf appear on the paper. Once they understood the basic concept they got to work.
I had to help Jakey with his a little bit, but Jason just took off on his own. Although it only lasted about 5 minutes, it was a nice little activity that we could do together. We then hung the art on the fridge so they can show Daddy when he gets home.
Rest now, play later
OK, so I didn't get much of my to-do list done yesterday. I did do one load of dishes, but that's about it. We just had a pretty lazy day. I am just so exhausted I am having a hard time finding the energy to keep up with the house. I've been up too late at night the last few nights, on top of not being able to sleep comfortably anymore. If I could just get Jason to take naps when Jakey does then I could lay down and try to get a little more sleep too.
At least my back isn't hurting as bad so far today, though that's not to say it won't hurt more later. I'm going to lay on the couch for a bit while the boys watch Super Why. Hopefully a little rest will give me some energy to do something with the boys later. I want to do some kind of craft project or something with them, something having to do with Autumn or Halloween. I'll have to see what I can come up with.
At least my back isn't hurting as bad so far today, though that's not to say it won't hurt more later. I'm going to lay on the couch for a bit while the boys watch Super Why. Hopefully a little rest will give me some energy to do something with the boys later. I want to do some kind of craft project or something with them, something having to do with Autumn or Halloween. I'll have to see what I can come up with.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Ugh, my back is hurting so bad today. I always get ribs popping out of place and it is giving me stabbing pains shooting through my back. I have a chiropractor appointment set for next Monday, but if my back is still hurting so bad in the morning I'm calling to see if they can get me in tomorrow. I can't take it another day, I can't even pick up the boys. Heat, ice and extra strength Tylenol didn't even help at all.
We are sitting here waiting for my little brother and his girlfriend to come over and watch Iron Man. They called two and a half hours ago saying they were coming over, but they are taking forever.
We are sitting here waiting for my little brother and his girlfriend to come over and watch Iron Man. They called two and a half hours ago saying they were coming over, but they are taking forever.
Tuesday To-Do

* Dishes
* A few loads of laundry
* Clean boys' room
* Pick up stuff in family room
The house really isn't too messy because the boys have been pretty good this last weekend. I finally got the half-dozen loads of laundry folded that were sitting at the foot of my bed for a week, that's a relief.
I haven't been sleeping well, so I'd really just prefer to lay on the couch and do nothing all day, but dishes and laundry don't usually do themselves lol. And Hubby won't be home until later since he's going golfing after work, so I won't get any help from him.
OK, time to stop procrastinating. Gotta get up. 1...2...3...
Hm, nope didn't work, I'm still here :) K, let's give it another try.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Monday Madness
Today has been a pretty good day. The boys were well behaved and happy, playing together and being good all day. They got some new toys from their Uncle Josh and Aunt Nell yesterday, K-nex, and they have been enjoying them so much. Thanks Josh and Nell! So that kept them busy most of the day. They also got to play outside for the first time in 3 days, since we had a cold rainy weekend, and I think that helped. Then tonight we went to dinner at Village Inn and they even ate well, Jakey ate two whole pancakes. Afterward we stopped off at my family's house to say hi and visit a bit. Over all we had a nice day. Now I better go get Jakey off to bed because it's past his bedtime.
Have a great night and a wonderful week!
Have a great night and a wonderful week!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sunday Saying

- Proverbs
This quote reminded me of the trip to Cancun that Hubby and I went on last year. We spent days just lounging around and doing whatever we wanted. We had no worries or responsibilities and could do whatever we wanted for a few precious days. It was the most relaxing vacation ever. I hope that at some point in the future we can take another trip like that. Of course with baby #3 on the way it probably won't be any time soon, but maybe in a few years. Maybe we can plan a cruise or a trip to Hawaii.
Relaxing weekend
Are you all having a good weekend? We are :) I like General Conference weekends. Don't have to worry about getting everyone ready for church, just stay home and get lots of great messages on TV. And I've been working on finishing Jakey's blanket (yeah, the one I started when I was pg with him) during Conference so I've gotten a little more done. Still has a ways to go, but I should at least get it finished before baby Nathan comes so I can get started on one for him.
My brother Josh and his wife are coming over for dinner. We love hanging out with them, but don't get to very often anymore because they both work and Josh also goes to school, so they are pretty busy. Anyway, I better go see if the potatoes are ready to mash. Mmmm. Dinner is going to be yummy!
My brother Josh and his wife are coming over for dinner. We love hanging out with them, but don't get to very often anymore because they both work and Josh also goes to school, so they are pretty busy. Anyway, I better go see if the potatoes are ready to mash. Mmmm. Dinner is going to be yummy!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Camera Critters
I keep forgetting to get up a post for this, so it's been a while since I participated, sorry Misty! And since we recently had to reformat our laptop I don't have any pictures except for old ones in my photobucket account. So here is a picture from a few years ago at the zoo.
Yes, at the zoo I took a picture of your average squirrel. Why? Because I think they are cute :D Plus the kids like to see squirrels. And of course in a small town zoo a squirrel is just as exotic as most of the other animals they have lol.
Check out Camera Critters to see some more pics of animals every week.

Check out Camera Critters to see some more pics of animals every week.
We did our weekly grocery shopping today. It's amazing how we always spend more than we plan when we got shopping. Our list wasn't very long, but we ended up buying the boys' Halloween costumes and so that put us over our projected spending, but at least we got that taken care of before Halloween this year. :) While we were walking past the aisles of weight loss stuff like Leptovox and diet drinks and stuff, Hubby grabbed a box that looked like a colon cleanse or something and joked that he should just take that for his diet and it says that within 2 days he'd look as good as the girl on the box. It was funny.
Looking good
Yesterday when we went to the birth center open house there were tons of cookies and other things to eat. Nate was so sad he couldn't eat the good stuff because of his low-carb diet. He was just munching on carrots the whole time. He mentioned to someone there that he was on a diet and they told him he looked skinny already. Which is true, he isn't huge or anything, but he does have a little extra weight that he hides pretty well. He doesn't need to lose so much as to require diet pills like Lipovox, but just some regular diet and exercise is working pretty well to shed the extra pounds.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Barely awake
Boy, I'm tired! Hubby took a half day off work today so we could go to an open house at the birth center and then to a reunion for his mission. The open house was nice, Hubby was able to see what the birth center is like and the boys love going there because of the toys, lol, and there were cookies. :D Then we drove an hour to his mission reunion where we got to see a few of his old mission buddies. There were cookies there too :D lol. I'm hungry though because I didn't get a real dinner, just snack stuff. The boys acted pretty good the whole time, though they were running around a ton and chasing after them and Jakey wanting to be held a lot made me very tired and my back is killing me.
Anyway, it was a fun day, but now I need to go to sleep before I fall asleep typing. This weekend should be nice, with General Conference tomorrow and Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Anyway, it was a fun day, but now I need to go to sleep before I fall asleep typing. This weekend should be nice, with General Conference tomorrow and Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Photo Tag
Melissa tagged me for this, and since it has been a long time since I have done something I've been tagged for I figured I should do it lol. Plus it sounded fun. All you do is post the 4th picture in your picture album. Since we recently reformatted the laptop there are only a few pictures on here to choose from and here is the 4th one in there:
This is me last week. Yeah, I'm getting big. And I don't like this picture because I look grumpy (I was having a bad day lol). That's why I just posted it small so I don't scare anyone away lol.
Since I'm so bad at doing stuff that I get tagged for I don't want to tag anyone else. But if you do this leave me a comment so I can go see :)

Since I'm so bad at doing stuff that I get tagged for I don't want to tag anyone else. But if you do this leave me a comment so I can go see :)
Just a little bit of complaining
Ugh, my stomach doesn't feel good today. I feel hungry, like always, but nothing sounds good and everything is giving me heartburn. I think I'm going to try some ice cream and see if that helps. Ice cream helps everything right? Then I'm heading to bed. I am exhausted because I stayed up too late last night finishing a book, plus my busy week. So maybe if I get to bed early (for me) I can sleep better. And some Tylenol PM may help too.
Memory uploader
Don't you wish there was a way to upload your memories directly to a computer or something so you don't forget them? Like a flash memory card you can plug into your brain and then put the actual memory onto it to save forever? I think that would be great. There are so many things I want to remember, like cute things my kids do, but I forget them so quickly. At least we can look back on pictures, but usually the cutest, sweetest moments don't get caught on camera.
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful that this week is going by quickly. The last few weeks went by very slowly but this week has been so busy that it has just zoomed by. And I am thankful that everything is going well with this pregnancy, and I'm getting excited for my little boy to arrive. I am due NEXT MONTH!
I am very grateful that my Hubby said he will clean the kitchen floor for me today. I hate mopping, and my boys make it such a big mess, so I love when he agrees to help out by cleaning it.
What are you thankful for?
I am very grateful that my Hubby said he will clean the kitchen floor for me today. I hate mopping, and my boys make it such a big mess, so I love when he agrees to help out by cleaning it.
What are you thankful for?
Busy bee
I had a pretty busy day yesterday and didn't get much done after all. The boys and I went to see Melissa and her girls. It was about an hour drive because of traffic, but it was fun to get to meet a blogging friend. Her girls are so adorable and the kids got along great. I know my boys had a fun time. Because of some road construction on the way home it took longer than usual to get home and I was a little late for my scout den meeting, but that was ok. After scouts I went home and made dinner and then my brother and his girlfriend came over and didn't go home until late, so I just didn't have time to do any cleaning yesterday.
But I'm making up for it today. I already did dishes and need to do another load. I've also been working on cleaning out the office/storage room. One of our cats accidentally got shut in there all night and I had to find a mess he left for us. Since I've been meaning to clean up that room I decided that was a good reason to finally do that. You couldn't even walk through the room before, but I was able to reorganize the closet to put a ton of boxes in there and even made room to bring in the rest of our food storage stuff that was still in my sisters room. I think we are going to move the couch from the office into the playroom too, though I wish we had a slipcover for it because it is so trashed.
Anyway, I'm just sitting here rambling away because I needed to take a break from moving boxes and stuff. I'm going to eat some lunch and get back to cleaning.
But I'm making up for it today. I already did dishes and need to do another load. I've also been working on cleaning out the office/storage room. One of our cats accidentally got shut in there all night and I had to find a mess he left for us. Since I've been meaning to clean up that room I decided that was a good reason to finally do that. You couldn't even walk through the room before, but I was able to reorganize the closet to put a ton of boxes in there and even made room to bring in the rest of our food storage stuff that was still in my sisters room. I think we are going to move the couch from the office into the playroom too, though I wish we had a slipcover for it because it is so trashed.
Anyway, I'm just sitting here rambling away because I needed to take a break from moving boxes and stuff. I'm going to eat some lunch and get back to cleaning.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Makes my heart stop
I hate when my kids get hurt. This morning my boys fell down the stairs. Jakey was reaching to grab Jason's hand as they walked down, but he tripped and fell into Jason and they both tumbled down. I was walking right behind them but there was nothing I could do to stop them from falling. Made my heart stop beating for a minute until I could get to them and scoop them up. Jakey only cried for about 30seconds, but Jason bumped his back and it hurt so he cried for a few minutes. I got him a warm rice bag and laid him on the couch until he felt better. I'm so glad we have soft carpeted stairs instead of hardwood.
I'm going to try to get a little bit of cleaning done before we go meet up with Melissa and her girls today. I'm excited to finally meet her, should be fun :D
I'm going to try to get a little bit of cleaning done before we go meet up with Melissa and her girls today. I'm excited to finally meet her, should be fun :D
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