Saturday, June 30, 2007
Another contest
SMART Habit Saturday

Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day- 3/7
#2- Keep up with dishes- 5/7
#3- Brush teeth once a day- 5/7
#4- Read scriptures daily- 7/7
#5- Toddler bedtime routine- 4/7
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm- 5/7
#7- 50 crunches a day- 5/7
#8- Take vitamins every day- 7/7
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home- 7/7
#10- 1 load of laundry each day- 2/7
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night- 11/14
#12- Dinner 3x during the week- 3/3
#13- Lotion every day- 6/7
#14- Floss every day- 1/7
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen- 6/7
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, June 29, 2007
* Little Baby was unusually fussy today
* Toddler keeps telling me his teeth hurt, guess it's about time for his first dentist appointment. Oh and I have a toothache and am due for a cleaning too.
* My family was going to come get Toddler and take him for a week, but then cancelled cuz they can't afford the gas. I was starting to look forward to a little break.
* We probably don't have the gas money to go visit my family like I want to
* My stomach is really hurting right now
* I hate this heat, and that we don't have central a/c, just one window unit upstairs that does not cool the whole house.
* My house is a mess (of course that's mostly my fault for not keeping up with cleaning, so guess have no room to complain lol)
OK, that's better :) Now I need to go do something productive to get me out of this slump.
Friday's Feast

How many pieces of jewelry do you wear most days?
- 2, my wedding ring and my CTR ring
What is your favorite instrumental song?
- Don't really have a favorite, but I love trans-siberian orchestra songs
Who has a last name that you like?
- Now that's a silly question lol. I like my last name. I don't have a preference for names as long as they are easy to pronounce and spell.
Main Course
Name a popular movie you’ve never seen.
- Braveheart, Pulp Fiction, Pirates 3. There's a few.
Fill in the blank: Nothing makes me ___________ like ____________.
- Nothing makes me relaxed like a professional massage.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Time to share
Antique Mommy teaching her boy how to eat healthy.
Remember He is always there watching over you, found at Diary of a SAHM
The post that has had me giggling for weeks, every time I think of it, by Dawn. I don't think I'll ever look at pepper the same way again. And laugh at these t-shirts while you're there.
How to make your home your sanctuary, by who other than Home Sanctuary.
Every mommy will appreciate the sentiment expressed by Notes from the Trenches in her post about her boy growing up.
Jen shares with us computer art at it's finest and funniest with this hilarious video she found.
Go congratulate Beth on the birth of her cute little boy.
Organizing Junkie helps you learn how to get organized with simple steps.
Go laugh with Michelle and her funny pictures post.
Where does all that hamburger come from? Ponder that with Simply Chumly.
Not everyone is perfect, but Mist is working on it.
Now, wasn't that fun?
Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Dang spam

Tuesday To-Do

* Dishes
* Laundry
* Pick up in boys' room
* Think of something for dinner
* Swim class at 6:30
I'm surprised at myself for actually cleaning the bathrooms this morning lol. I need to do dishes, they somehow pile up faster than I can keep up. But first I need to get lunch for me and the boys, then get Toddler down for a nap, and if I'm lucky I can get Baby to nap at the same time so I can lay down a bit.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday Madness
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Yeah, I'm pretty cool :D

Susan and Janice at 5 Minutes for Mom- They run a fabulous blog that supports work-at-home moms and are always doing great giveaways.
Laura (Organizing Junkie) and Lara (Lazy Organizer)- I love learning more about getting organized and these 2 give great tips and support.
Kendra of VBAC Adventure- I love reading the information she has learned in her journey to have a VBAC. She's due in 1.5wks with her baby :D Good luck!
Go ahead and give this award to all the Rockin' Girl Bloggers you know!
Sunday Saying
I started my day early,
Before the room was light.
I lifted my son from his crib
And wished it was still night.
But as I held him close and said,
“Hi Tyler, precious one”
I knew that as I greeted him
I greeted, too, God’s Son.
When my daughter woke up later
Calling "Mommy! Mommy! Down!!"
I picked her up and hugged her
In her worn Elmo gown.
I knew she felt the closeness
That a mothers touch affords.
I welcomed not just Danielle,
But so too the Lord of Lords.
That day I mixed some formula
and opened jars of peas.
I fixed some "pizza butter" bread
When she grinned and said "PLEEEAAASSSEE"
I heated up some leftovers;
I had to make them twice,
and when I fed my children
I was feeding Jesus Christ.
I made some funny faces
and played puzzles on the floor.
I dressed kitties and ran around outside,
and played with them some more.
We laughed and jumped and tickled,
making memories to be stored.
When I spent time with my children
I spent time with the Lord.
I wiped up sticky cereal
and washed the dishes clean.
I straightened, picked up, and put away
and dusted in between.
I did 6 loads of laundry
and folded it like new.
When I cleaned for my children
I cleaned for my Savior too.
When my children were both crying
I held them in my arms.
I cuddled them and whispered
That I'd keep them safe from harm.
I told them how their Father saved them
With His perfect Lamb.
When I comforted my children
I comforted the I AM.
Later on that evening
I put them in the bath.
I washed their little bodies
As they kicked around and splashed.
I dried them in soft towels
And put their jammies on.
When I washed my children’s feet,
I washed the Holy One.
I cooked and cleaned and rearranged,
Made beds and taught and played.
Made sure that we had food to eat
And that we often prayed.
I died to self,
I made a home from ordinary things.
But when I serve my children
I served the King of Kings.
To some I have done nothing
But to two, I have done the world.
I made eternal differences
To my precious boy and girl,
And to the one who watches over
Every pathway that I trod,
For when I have loved my precious children
I've loved Almighty God
- Megan Breedlove
I thought this was an awesome poem. I found it on a messageboard I visit. So often I get bored with doing the same daily things over and over again, or frustrated with my kids over little things. I need to remember that even the little things I do for my family are done for the Lord.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
My little garden

Wait it out or go in?
SMART Habit Saturday

Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 50 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home
#10- 1 load of laundry each day
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night
#12- Dinner 3x during the week
#13- Lotion every day
#14- Floss every day
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Family Fridays

Check out Monkey Kisses for more Family Fridays ideas.
Daily Doings
Friday's Feast

Name a funny habit you have.
- Hm, I'm not sure. Well, A silly one is that everytime I go to the dollar store I have to walk down the container/baskets isle and look at everything, even though I know I'm not going to buy any. I just like looking :D
If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
- Piano, I think it's more versatile
How long is your hair?
- A few inches below my shoulders
Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
- Probably Hubby for something minor,like leaving clothes lying all over
What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
- Dishwasher, I can't imagine living without it lol
Thursday, June 21, 2007
July 4th Giveaway at 5M4M!

This first contest is for a very cool Krups homemade ice cream maker and set of 4 Roseanna Sweet Dreams Bowls from I would love to win this! I love ice cream and have been wanting my own ice cream maker for so long.
So if you want to enter for this great prize, go to 5M4M now and check it out!

Thankful Thursday
* Ice Cream
* Swimming Pool
* A/C
* Not having to leave the house
It's supposed to get in the 90's again today. Right now it 74*, so not too hot yet, but it's still 81* in the house. I'm guessing in about an hour I'll need to turn the window a/c on. It doesn't really do much to cool down the whole house, but it helps, at least our bedroom stays nice and cool. I'm sitting here eating Oreo ice cream, glad that I have nowhere to go today in the heat. Well, except swim class tonight, but we'll be glad to go there and get in the nice cool pool for a bit.
What's the weather like where you are? What are you doing to stay cool?
I Rock!

At least Skeet seems to think so :D Thanks a bunch! "You like me! You really like me!" And now I'm going to share the love to some other girl bloggers who rock:
Michelle (Life is Just Ducky)- My awesome friend, who is funny and sweet and always helping me out.
Antique Mommy- She is an awesome storyteller and I love reading about her and her little boy.
Mist (To Do...)- She is hilarious. She does whatever she feels like and doesn't care what others think.
Carrot (oinkledoinkle)- She is very funny, her posts make me laugh. She's so imaginative and has quite the loyal following of bloggers :)
And so many of you I didn't mention that also rock! Go ahead and tag girl bloggers that you think rock!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007

So tired!

We went running today after story time and I had to stop halfway through. It felt like a knife was in my ribs and I couldn't breathe. I'm sure it was partly because of the heat. Hopefully when we run Saturday morning it will be a little easier. Now I just want to take a nap. But we are going to do a craft at Michelle's house with the kids, that'll be fun :) Guess I'll just have to eat a lot of sugar to keep me going until bedtime.
Works-For-Me Wednesday: Blankets

Check out Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer for more great WFMW tips!
This post originally published 1/17/07. I'm just too tired to come up with something new this week.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Being Lazy
Swim Class
Tuesday To-Do

* Babysit Little Baby (should be here any minute now)
* Laundry, at least 1 load
* Dishes
* Clean bathrooms
* Hopefully get a nap
* Clean boys' room
My house is a mess and I'm getting behind on laundry so I really need to clean today and get some laundry done and put away. And it's past time for the bathrooms to be cleaned so I'll try to get those done today too. I hope the boys will all be good today so I can get stuff done.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Swimming Lessons

Monday Madness
Sunday, June 17, 2007

I love you Honey! Happy Father's Day!
Sunday Saying
- Publilius Syrus
This seems like pretty good advice to me. Instead of having to learn from your own mistakes all the time, you can watch others and learn from theirs. You'd think that would be easy advice to take, but it must not be since many times we all seem to make the same mistakes lol. Maybe from pride or thinking we can do something better. It would just be much easier not to learn from someone else and not have to make that mistake.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
SMART Habit Saturday

Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 50 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home
#10- 1 load of laundry each day
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night
#12- Dinner 3x during the week
#13- Lotion every day
#14- Floss every day
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, June 15, 2007
7 Random Things Meme
The point is to list 7 random things about you, I think stuff you haven't mentioned on your blog before, then tag 7 people.
1- I love having kids; being pg, giving birth, the whole thing, just LOVE it :D I want lots of kids and am just waiting on Hubby to be ready to have another now.
2- My whole life growing up I wanted to be a teacher. Once I got to college I changed my mind because I remembered I hate being a leader and talking in front of people lol.
3- My favorite game show is Wheel of Fortune, but I hardly ever get to see it because Toddler pretty much controls what we watch.
4- I had a miscarriage between my two boys. It's not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.
5- I don't like steak or shrimp. Yes, I know I'm weird.
6- I rarely wear makeup. With my psoriasis, foundation and blush just make me look splotchy. And I have sensitive eyes so mascara and eyeshadow make them water. Sometimes I put on a little lipgloss or lipstick, but not very often anymore. I only wear makeup on special occasions like our wedding day.
7- I love to organize, but I hate to clean. No, they are not the same thing!
I'm not tagging anyone because everyone I know has already done this at least once lol.
Friday's Feast

Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________…
- I love that my house is at the end of a cul-de-sac. We don't get much traffic or strangers, so it feels safer for the kids. And it's quiet.
Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh” or “Shower Scent”).
- Um, I can't think of any that don't sound completely stupid lol.
What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?
- An add-on for Firefox to auto-refresh pages.
Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say?
- Most likely to procrastinate.
What two colors do you like to wear together?
- Probably black and white, but really I don't care I usually wear jeans and any color t-shirt.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Baby stuff contest

Thankful Thursday
* Library story time
* Free lunch at the park
* Naps, when I occasionally get them
I am so tired right now and could really use a nap already and it's only 7:30 am lol. Maybe I'll get lucky and all 3 boys will take a nap at the same time today. We have no plans for the day, just sit around and stuff. I do need to clean the boys room and office, and do some laundry too, but I'll save that for when I'm a little more awake. Maybe I should go stick my head under some cold running water.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Show some love :D

Works-For-Me Wednesday: Library Story Time

So, it's not much, but story time works for us!
Find more great WFMW tips at Rocks In My Dryer.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Quirky MEME
1) I can't stand watching someone do something when I feel like I can do it better. My Hubby can attest to this. There have been many times he'll be doing something and I get all fidgety and annoyed and sometimes even have to leave the room because it frustrates me so much lol. With friends or other people I can usually wait until they leave, then "fix" it :D
2) I hate to drive. Whenever I can, I have Hubby drive, especially on long trips. I'm so used to him driving that if I'm driving I can actually forget I'm driving, then suddenly think "Oh, I better pay attention, I'm driving!"
3) I used to have to have clothes (even Hubby's) hung up by color and type, but have loosened that a bit so now they are just hung by type. Mixed up clothes just get my nerves on end.
4) I like to eat one section of food at a time, like veggies, then potatoes, then meat. I finish one part before going to the next. Not always, but when I don't it just feels weird lol.
K, that's all I can think of for now and Toddler is screaming at me so I can't think of anyone to tag, so go ahead and do this if you want!
Tuesday To-Do
* Storytime at the library- done
* Lunch at the park- done
* Clean the house
* A load of laundry- started
* Take a nap- yeah right!
* Clean out the fridge- ew! I'm afraid something is going to come alive in there
* Figure out what to make for dinner- definitely not leftovers! (see above)
Well, Toddler and Little Baby are sleeping, and Baby is watching a show, so I guess I'll go clean something. Maybe.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Top Momma!

Giveaway at Adventures in Babywearing!
Monday Madness
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Father's Day Giveaway at 5M4M

Scar Healing
This is Kara's husband, or Hubby as I am known on her blog, talking to you again. As many of you may know, I had that accident about 4 months ago where I lost a part of my thumb. I still have this scar where there was extra space and scar tissue filled in. It really bugs me from day to day especially when I think of how dumb it was for me to do what I did. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew of some good stuff I could place on that scar to soften it up. It is a lot harder then normal tissue and it doesn't help that it is. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Couch-to-5k Update

SMART Habit Saturday

Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 50 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home
#10- 1 load of laundry each day
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night
#12- Dinner 3x during the week
#13- Lotion every day
#14- Floss every day
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen
To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Family Fridays

What we love doing in the summer is taking the boys to the park. During the week we can get free sack lunches at the park, so I go with Michelle and her family and we eat lunch and let the kids play. This is great because not only do we not have to make lunch, but the kids really love playing at the park, so they have fun and then get worn out for naptime. The fresh air is nice for all of us and helps me to get away from the computer and out of the house once in a while.

Friday's Feast

What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?
- Hm, probably Peanut M&Ms. If I have some I just cannot stop eating them, plus I like them anytime.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?
- Well, I don't know, maybe a 2-3 overall? In ID I'd say about a 7-8 lol, everyone's always asking if I'm related to so-and-so.
Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?
- Tough one. I really love Friends and Seinfeld, but can't pick a favorite, they are all good.
Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.
- I don't usually shop online, when I do it's usually at Ebay.
Fill in the blank: I think ___________ should be ___________.
- I think Paris Hilton should be sent back to prison.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
It's just been one of 'those' days
Toddler sure is on one this week. He's had more timeouts, sendings to his room, spanks, and talking-to's in the last few days then he normally gets in a month. I think he's been storing up his naughtiness to use on me on a day that Baby is cranky from shots, Little Baby won't eat or sleep much, and I can barely get around cuz my knee hurts.
Today I've had to deal with him peeing on the floor repeatedly, helping Baby get his first fall down the stairs (he's fine thankfully), coloring with permanent marker on himself and Baby and the table and coffee table, woke the babies from naps early, and made a ton of messes. I can't ake any more terrible twos! Someone please tell me 3 is better!
Now Toddler is napping, but the 2 babies are screaming so I keep going back and forth consoling them. Ugh, I neep a nap!
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
FREE Netflix Rentals!
Works-For-Me Wednesday: "Mom, I'm bored!" Edition

Since I was the oldest girl in a large family I was usually in charge of taking care of the kids and a few things I did when the younger kids were restless were have coloring contests and cleanup races. For the coloring contest we would all get a coloring book page and color, then everyone would get a prize for fastest colorer, stayed inside the lines best, most colors used, etc. And for the cleanup races we'd set the timer for 5 mins, give each of us a room to work on, and see who got the most done in that time (this was especially good for me when I was babysitting and the parents were due home any minute and the house was a mess lol). It's amazing how much kids will clean up if you make it sound fun and like a contest.
For more boredom busters and WFMW tips check out Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Free Lunch
Run, run, run
Tuesday To-Do
* Go to my little sister's high school graduation, I'm so proud of her!
* Eat yummy food I don't have to cook at the bbq afterwards
* Drive 3hrs back home
Should be a great day!Get to spend time with my family, and the boys will have fun too. The only un-fun part will be driving home. I hate driving, especially 3 hrs!
Monday, June 04, 2007
Picture Sharing
At the park:

Hubby helped Toddler build a wood airplane at Home Depot's kids craft thing. (Isn't my hubby hot?! lol)

At Baby's birthday party:

He devoured his cupcake:

The Sweetest Thing
Monday Madness
I need to go to the library and bank today and get milk too. I better call Michelle to see if she wanted to go running today or not.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I'm melting!
What temperature are you most comfortable at? Do you prefer Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?
Potty Training Update
SMART Habit Saturday

I did good with my goals most of the week, but absolutely teerrible on Thursday and Friday, like really really bad. I'm having a hard time remembering my morning prayers (speaking of which, I'll be right back...) but still reading my scriptures every day, and getting better at doing Toddler's bedtime routine. Besides those 2 days off, I did pretty good with most of my goals this week.
Since I need to work on re-establishing what I let go this last week, I'm just going to add an easy goal to work on. I'm going to work on not leaving dishes lying around the house. Whenever I do dishes I have to wander the house picking up sippy cups, cereal bowls, etc so I want to be able to stop that. Whenever I leave a room and head in the direction of the kitchen I will see if there are any dishes I need to take with me. Right now my cereal bowl is on the desk here, so next time I head downstairs it's coming with me.
Here's my goals:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 50 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home
#10- 1 load of laundry each day
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night
#12- Dinner 3x during the week
#13- Lotion every day
#14- Floss every day
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen
Check out the Lazy Organizer to join in SHS!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Happy Birthday Baby!!!

OK, so after my appt Wed I had some random cntrx but didn't think anything was going to happen that soon. Well around 9:30pm they started getting a bit more painful and somewhat regular. I still didn't want to get up my hopes cuz I was scared they would just go away. Around 12:30am they were getting consistently about 3 mins apart so I started letting myself believe this would be it. I couldn't sleep because of the cntrx so I stayed up all night cleaning up and making sure everything was packed and ready to go to the hospital. Around 7am they slowed down, but after an hour they picked up again. I labored at home as they got stronger. They were around 3-5 mins apart. I was having to concentrate through them, but didn't want to head to the hospital yet. Around 9:30 we called our families to let them know the baby was coming that day and my mom started on her way up. I continued to labor at home until my mom and sisters showed up around noon. We left for the hospital and had to wait 1/2hr for a room to be cleared for us. So around 12:30 we get settled in and they check me. I was already 7+ cm and fully effaced! That made me feel so much better that all those cntrx had gotten me that far already. The dr asked if I wanted her to break my water, but I said I'd like to wait just a little longer and see if it broke on it's own. After this point I don't know exact times cuz I was having lots of pain from the cntrx. I tried changing positions and walking but it was getting hard no matter what I did. Probably around 3:30 they checked me again and I hadn't made much progress but the bag of waters was really bulging. I was in a lot of pain and told them to go ahead and break my water. Things continued to get more and more painful and I was moaning through the cntrx while squeezing my moms hand and Nate was putting pressure on my back. I got a little snippy with Nate a few times and told him to shut up once lol. But he was being great and they were telling me how good I was doing. (I had my mom, sis, sil and Nate with me). My nurse was very wonderful. I think around 4:30 she checked me and told me there was just a little cervix and had my try to push the baby's head past it. I was in so much pain that they had to help me with my breathing and I was starting to get pretty load and yelling. ( I later was told that a nurse came in and said I was scaring the 17yr old laboring down the hall lol) I was able to get baby's head moved down a bit and past the cervix so they started setting up the room. I wasn't paying attention to much going on around me because I was hurting so bad and the cntrx were only giving me a few breaths in between them. I started pushing I think around 4:45 and then suddenly they were telling me to get on my side and were putting oxygen on me because baby's heartrate was staying around the 90s and not going back up. Every time they asked me to do anything I was shaking my head or saying no or I can't do it, but I had to anyway lol. I pushed for a while on my side until they got the bed all ready and then I was on my back holding my legs and they told me I needed to get the baby out quick. Everything seemed to be so blurry to me from all the pain but I knew I needed to push as hard as I could. I did not want to have another c/s so I pushed harder than I thought I could and slowly I could see more and more of his head. Finally I gave a huge push and his head came out. His shoulders were stuck because he had one hand up by his shoulder, but my wonderful OB was able to pull out his arm and had me push one more time and out came his shoulders and one more small push and he slipped out. They laid him on my chest and I was able to touch him. I think my first words when he came out where "Oh my gosh!" and "I did it!" Nate cut his cord and they had to quickly take him to the warmer to get his oxygen because he was having a little trouble, but he pinked up quickly. They wiped him down a bit and then weighed and measured him, 8lbs 14oz and 20in long, only an ounce smaller than Toddler had been. He was born at 5:15 pm. They stitched me up and stuff and then they brought him back to me and I got to hold him and I was so happy to have my beautiful little boy. I kept telling everyone "I did it!" I let some of my family members hold him a bit. Then I got to breastfeed him for the first time. It took him a few minutes to get latched on but then he got it and I nursed about 15 mins, and then let family hold him some more while dr finished sewing me up. After that they took him to the nursery with Nate and bathed him and all the newborn stuff. I was taken to my postpartum room and had dinner and was able to get a little rest until about 8 when they brought him back. I nursed again and more family visited and then finally we were alone. The first night went well. I didn't sleep much but Baby slept a lot. We were discharged just one day after he was born. I was so happy to be able to be home so soon with my baby! I can't believe I had an all natural VBAC! I'm so sore and tired but I'm so proud of myself.
Friday's Feast

Name something you think is “the best.”
- Snickers is "the best" candy bar
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today?
- 4, don't have much to do today, but the house is a mess so I should clean, and today is Baby's 1st birthday so I need to get ready for his party tomorrow.
What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face?
- Um, water?
Main Course
Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.”
- My kids not messing up the house lol
When was the last time it rained where you live?
- I think it tried to rain on Monday, but barely any came down