Sunday, May 31, 2009
Contract up
Don't you hate when you sign a contract for something and then you are stuck with it? 3 years ago we signed a 2-year "service agreement" with our satellite TV service. There were a few times we had to have it suspended due to finances or moving, so that just prolonged the 2 year agreement, until now. In about a week we will finally be free of our obligation to stay with the company. Not that our service has been bad, we just want the freedom to choose other services. So in one week we are finally getting rid of our satellite service. With the switch to digital broadcasting we will get our local channels and a few other analog channels and that will be enough, and we don't have to pay a thing for it. Most of the stuff we really want to watch is on those channels so we won't be missing much. In fact we will be gaining time that we are currently wasting watching the channels we don't need. And with most TV shows being available online, we can watch shows we don't get any time we want. Right now we are watching old reruns of That 70's Show. It's funny, but I won't really miss it too much. Especially the commercials on this channel. I'd rather watch commercials for auto insurance and movie previews than the awful stuff marketed to teens on The N. Yeah, definitely won't miss that. The only other service contract we have is for our cell phones, and I don't really mind that one because we won't find a better deal anywhere else because I used to work for their customer service department 5 years ago and I still get my 25% discount.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Finally, Bear Lake pics
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lately our laptop keeps freezing up. It used to be super fast but now I frequently have to sit and wait for it to unfreeze. It happens every few minutes. I first thought it was a virus, or that we needed some more notebook memory, but I'm beginning to think it's the latest version of Firefox. It started about the time it updated to the latest version, and Hubby says his work computer has a problem with Firefox too. I could just use Internet Explorer, but then I'd have to actually spend a whole 2 minutes setting all my bookmarks up over there lol. Plus I'm used to Firefox, I don't like IE.
3 Day Weekend!
I'm so glad Hubby gets a 3-day weekend for Memorial Day. And I don't have to babysit either tomorrow, so it'll be nice just to have a little family time. We didn't plan to go camping or on vacation anywhere, so no need for travel medical insurance, we just are staying home. One of these days we need to get our tent fixed and buy some sleeping bags so we can go on camping trips.
What fun stuff are you all doing for Memorial Day?
What fun stuff are you all doing for Memorial Day?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
New Do
My hair has been annoying me for months now but I was waiting until we had some spare cash to get it fixed. It was way too long and the color was faded and gross. Plus most moms lose hair after having a baby and it was getting everywhere. So we finally had the money to get it done this week. My sister-in-law does hair so I went to her salon on Monday and had her go at it. I wanted it cut to at least shoulder length, some choppy layers, and dyed dark brown with some red in it. It turned out perfect, just what I asked for. We cut about 8-10 inches off. I would have donated it to Locks of Love, but couldn't because it was bleached last year and they don't take hair that has been bleached. You can't see the red in the picture, but we put in "peek-a-boo" layers of it. I really like it, but might go with a little more red next time. I like red lol. Hubby and the kids like my hair too. It's really nice to have it shorter now that the weather has gotten hot. I can still pull it out of my face, but it's easy to leave it loose and make it look cute. I'm sure in a few months I'll decide I want long hair again, but for now I'm really liking it short. OK, here's the before and after pics. I absolutely hate pictures of myself, my nose it too big, and I look exhausted (because I am lol), but here I am:

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Late night
We've never had curtains for our house. It was just an extra expense we never got around to. But today we finally changed that. We went out and bought a bunch of curtains and rods for most of the rooms in the house. I love the curtains we picked out for the boys' rooms, they are really cute. We started putting them up tonight, but it took a lot longer to put up the rod in the family room than planned, so we only got a few up. Now it's way past bedtime and I am so exhausted I can't think straight (or spell, I had to retype that last sentence a couple times lol). At least I got out of Hubby's idea of a fun night- walking around in sexy bride lingerie. *rolling eyes* Such a guy.
Well, I better get to bed before I get sucked into another episode of Home Improvement.
Well, I better get to bed before I get sucked into another episode of Home Improvement.
Have you seen Star Trek yet?
Yesterday Hubby and I went to see the new Star Trek movie. My little sister came over to watch the boys, except the baby. Luckily Nathan is still young enough that he will nap through a whole movie so we took him with us and he did great. I always look up movie times online (and for some reason I always think Westates Theaters is Westgate, dunno why) so I can see all the options available. We have lots of theaters around but usually go to the nearest one even though we could save a few bucks by going to one a little further away.
So, anyway (yeah, I'm tired and just rambling on cuz my brain went to sleep a few hours ago), anyway the movie was great! I really enjoyed the action scenes and character relationships. It was also really funny, a lot of great lines. Definitely one we will be buying when it comes out. And you don't even have to know much about the original series to enjoy the show. I didn't watch the original series much (I'm a Next Generation fan) but still loved the show. And of course it helps that Chris Pine is pretty good to look at! LOL
So, anyway (yeah, I'm tired and just rambling on cuz my brain went to sleep a few hours ago), anyway the movie was great! I really enjoyed the action scenes and character relationships. It was also really funny, a lot of great lines. Definitely one we will be buying when it comes out. And you don't even have to know much about the original series to enjoy the show. I didn't watch the original series much (I'm a Next Generation fan) but still loved the show. And of course it helps that Chris Pine is pretty good to look at! LOL
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sock Monkey Review
I was so excited to get the chance to review an adorable Sock Monkey from I just knew this would be a toy my boys would love.
When I received our sock monkey I was happy to see it was even cuter than I thought it would be. It comes with a little hat and scarf that are removable. Also, to my surprise, there are magnets located in the hands, feet, and hat. And we all know that magnets make everything more fun! My boys were ecstatic when I told them I had mail for them and took off with the sock monkey as soon as I took it out of the package. (Well, as soon as I let them take it from me lol. I was having fun playing with the magnetic parts!)
This sock monkey is very colorful and cute. Unfortunately after just a short time playing with it, the boys brought it to me. One of the arms came off. Luckily it is an easy fix, I just need to grab a needle and thread and put in a few stitches. And one of these days I promise I will get it taken care of. Good thing the hands are magnetic so we haven't lost the arm.
Check out and see the adorable sock monkeys they offer! They would make a great gift for your kids.

Check out and see the adorable sock monkeys they offer! They would make a great gift for your kids.
Thankful Thursday
Boy, time just goes by way too fast lately! I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I swear each day just blurs into the next. I have a few posts coming soon, I promise.
Today I am grateful that Nathan's eczema is a lot better. You'd think that having psoriasis I would know more about skin care, but none of my other kids have had a problem with eczema (Jakey had a small patch on his arm as a baby but it went away in a few months by itself) and I haven't even seen a dermatologist for myself in over 10 years. (Don't worry, I have an appointment with one next week, gotta get my skin taken care of!) Anyway, we took him to the doctor Friday afternoon (and boy could I go on about that for a whole other post! But I won't. Let's just say 5 kids, 2 of them babies, waiting an hour in a doctor office is not a fun time.) and he told us that yes, it is eczema, and to put some hydrocortisone 1% cream on it. He also gave us a prescription we can try if it gets really bad. After just one day of using the cream his face looked sooo much better. Before it was so red and scaly and he would scratch it and make it bleed. Now it is getting soft again and not as red. He did scratch it today though, but overall it's lots better.
And I am grateful for my awesome Hubby who gave me the gift of sleep for Mother's Day. He took the baby for all of Saturday night so I was actually able to sleep undisturbed. Too bad it doesn't make up for all the months of bad sleep, and I'm already exhausted again, but it was nice to actually feel rested when I woke up Sunday, especially because Jacob woke up sick and threw up that morning. You need rest on those kind of days lol.
I am also thankful for Mtn Dew, my drug of choice. For a long time I didn't drink a lot of soda, and hardly ever stuff with caffeine, but these days I can't function without it lol. And they make so many yummy flavors!
What are you thankful for?
Today I am grateful that Nathan's eczema is a lot better. You'd think that having psoriasis I would know more about skin care, but none of my other kids have had a problem with eczema (Jakey had a small patch on his arm as a baby but it went away in a few months by itself) and I haven't even seen a dermatologist for myself in over 10 years. (Don't worry, I have an appointment with one next week, gotta get my skin taken care of!) Anyway, we took him to the doctor Friday afternoon (and boy could I go on about that for a whole other post! But I won't. Let's just say 5 kids, 2 of them babies, waiting an hour in a doctor office is not a fun time.) and he told us that yes, it is eczema, and to put some hydrocortisone 1% cream on it. He also gave us a prescription we can try if it gets really bad. After just one day of using the cream his face looked sooo much better. Before it was so red and scaly and he would scratch it and make it bleed. Now it is getting soft again and not as red. He did scratch it today though, but overall it's lots better.
And I am grateful for my awesome Hubby who gave me the gift of sleep for Mother's Day. He took the baby for all of Saturday night so I was actually able to sleep undisturbed. Too bad it doesn't make up for all the months of bad sleep, and I'm already exhausted again, but it was nice to actually feel rested when I woke up Sunday, especially because Jacob woke up sick and threw up that morning. You need rest on those kind of days lol.
I am also thankful for Mtn Dew, my drug of choice. For a long time I didn't drink a lot of soda, and hardly ever stuff with caffeine, but these days I can't function without it lol. And they make so many yummy flavors!
What are you thankful for?
Friday, May 08, 2009
I have a new nephew!

My sister did amazing and I now have a cute little nephew named Ryker. He seems so tiny compared to my kids as newborns. He was 7lb 6oz and 21.5". I was at the hospital all day while Hubby was great and stayed home to watch the boys, even Little D, while working from home. I'm going to go see her again for a little bit this afternoon.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Not enough hours in the day
OK, I really am meaning to get some pics up from our Bear Lake trip, but I haven't even had a chance to go through them and edit and stuff yet. I really will get to them sometime in the near future.
The kids are driving me insane today. Both Nathan and Little D are teething, so they get fussy at random times. Luckily I've been able to get them both to nap at the same times. Jason and Jacob are just not listening to me, like usual. They threw a game all over the floor and still have not picked it up, so it's going in time out for a while (I threatened to throw it away, but MIL got it for them just a week ago so I can't make myself do that lol). Good thing the weather is so nice today, the boys are spending a lot of time playing outside so I don't go insane. I'd love to be out there too actually, but I have babies sleeping and no monitor to listen for them so I need to stay in.
I have scouts tonight, and if it's still light enough when I get home from that I need to go running. I haven't gone in almost 2 weeks and my 5k is in just one month. I haven't even gone a full 3.1 miles yet so I need to step it up if I want to be ready for the race.
Oh, and if you haven't noticed there is a new button in my sidebar for the 5 Minutes for Mom Mother's Day Giveaway 2009. Make sure you check it out, they are giving away some awesome stuff!
OK, enough wasting time. My quiet, peaceful time won't last long so I need to go do dishes and pick up while I have my hands free!
The kids are driving me insane today. Both Nathan and Little D are teething, so they get fussy at random times. Luckily I've been able to get them both to nap at the same times. Jason and Jacob are just not listening to me, like usual. They threw a game all over the floor and still have not picked it up, so it's going in time out for a while (I threatened to throw it away, but MIL got it for them just a week ago so I can't make myself do that lol). Good thing the weather is so nice today, the boys are spending a lot of time playing outside so I don't go insane. I'd love to be out there too actually, but I have babies sleeping and no monitor to listen for them so I need to stay in.
I have scouts tonight, and if it's still light enough when I get home from that I need to go running. I haven't gone in almost 2 weeks and my 5k is in just one month. I haven't even gone a full 3.1 miles yet so I need to step it up if I want to be ready for the race.
Oh, and if you haven't noticed there is a new button in my sidebar for the 5 Minutes for Mom Mother's Day Giveaway 2009. Make sure you check it out, they are giving away some awesome stuff!
OK, enough wasting time. My quiet, peaceful time won't last long so I need to go do dishes and pick up while I have my hands free!
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Did you miss me?
I guess I never mentioned that I was going away for 5 days huh? Well, this week we took a little vacation to Bear Lake, UT. We left Monday and got back Friday evening. On the way there we had to stop in Logan for my orthodontist appointment and to stop at USU to get my transcript transferred down here. (Oh, did I mention I'm going back to school this fall?!) We let the boys run around on the quad at USU for a bit to stretch their legs before we continued on.
Hubby's family joined us up there. We were able to get the 3 room condo this year so there was plenty of room because it can sleep up to 14 people I think. I love Hubby's company's condos. Not only are they free for us to use one week a year, but they come stocked with everything you need besides food (though they have popcorn, hot chocolate, and condiments to use). There are tons of movies and games, even a Playstation. That all came in handy since it was too cold to go to the beach. We watched tons of TV. (Had to keep up on the news since I was offline the whole time. Lots of stories about swine flu and that diet drug being recalled. Personally I would only take nutritional health supplements if my doctor told me, I'm not surprised that it was recalled.)
I put together a lot of puzzles. I love to do puzzles but rarely get to at home because I get too many interruptions and the kids destroy them before I can finish. At Bear Lake I had tons of time on my hands plus the inlaws kept the boys entertained, so I did 4 or 5 puzzles.
We did go to the beach a little, but it was too cold and windy to stay long. We let the boys build sandcastles (aka big piles of dirt). There was a playground for them to play on too.
We all had a great time relaxing and spending time together, and the week went by way too quickly. Hopefully next year we can get the condo during a warmer time so we can go swimming and spend more time outside, but if not it is still fun to go and relax no matter what time of year.
I've been up way too late now so I better get to bed. Maybe I'll post tomorrow about the jam I made tonight, mmmm.
Hubby's family joined us up there. We were able to get the 3 room condo this year so there was plenty of room because it can sleep up to 14 people I think. I love Hubby's company's condos. Not only are they free for us to use one week a year, but they come stocked with everything you need besides food (though they have popcorn, hot chocolate, and condiments to use). There are tons of movies and games, even a Playstation. That all came in handy since it was too cold to go to the beach. We watched tons of TV. (Had to keep up on the news since I was offline the whole time. Lots of stories about swine flu and that diet drug being recalled. Personally I would only take nutritional health supplements if my doctor told me, I'm not surprised that it was recalled.)
I put together a lot of puzzles. I love to do puzzles but rarely get to at home because I get too many interruptions and the kids destroy them before I can finish. At Bear Lake I had tons of time on my hands plus the inlaws kept the boys entertained, so I did 4 or 5 puzzles.
We did go to the beach a little, but it was too cold and windy to stay long. We let the boys build sandcastles (aka big piles of dirt). There was a playground for them to play on too.
We all had a great time relaxing and spending time together, and the week went by way too quickly. Hopefully next year we can get the condo during a warmer time so we can go swimming and spend more time outside, but if not it is still fun to go and relax no matter what time of year.
I've been up way too late now so I better get to bed. Maybe I'll post tomorrow about the jam I made tonight, mmmm.
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