Hi there, my name is Kara! I'm a stay-st-home mom and college student. I have 5 cute little boys- Jason, Jacob, Nathan, Isaac and Caleb. They keep me pretty busy, but I love it. Growing up I always knew I wanted to be a mommy first and foremost and I'm so happy to be living that dream.
My husband Nate is my best friend and an amazing husband and father. He helps me so much with the kids and the house. He is a hard worker and I'm very thankful that his hard work allows me to stay home with the kids.
I'm currently going to college to get a degree in Computer Information Systems. I'm lucky enough to be able to take classes nights and weekends so that Nate can be home with the kids while I'm gone. After this semester I should only have 3 more semesters before I get my Associates, then I can transfer to a university to get a Computer Science Bachelors degree in another 2 years. It's busy but I'm actually enjoying the short break from the kids and learning new things.
I started this blog in September 2006 just because everyone was doing it and I wanted to see what it was all about. I then started doing some paid blogging through a few different companies, which has been a help to our family. I love reading other blogs, especially other mom bloggers and the family blogs of friends and family. Blogging is an amazing way to learn and socialize.
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