
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Today I am very thankful that we got a new bed for Toddler and Baby. My friend Michelle was giving her old queen-size bed away (lucky duck got a new king-size lol) and she was kind enough to let us have it. I've been wanting a bed to put in the boys room for them to share so that Baby wouldn't have to sleep on the floor and it would be easier to lay down with him to get him to sleep. It works great! Toddler loves his new big bed and it was much easier for Hubby to lay down with Baby to get him to sleep since there is plenty of room, Hubby said Baby slept better too. It was kind of sad to pack away the Toddler bed and little mattresses though, I don't want my kids growing up so fast! They look so little on that big bed lol. And we were able to help Michelle out by giving them our old entertainment center that we weren't using. I love when things work out so well.


Natalie said...

I need friends like that...know anyone in the boonies of CO with a dresser they don't need anymore? We need one. Lol!

Michelle said...

I'm thankful everything worked out for both of us. Glad the bed is working out so well. :)