
Saturday, August 11, 2007

SMART Habit Saturday

Last week I was focusing on my laundry goal. I'm happy that I was able to get caught up on the piles, though I still need to work on doing a load a day. I'm still not adding a new goal yet, because I just have too many too work on and not doing well on most of them lol. But I'm going to focus on my flossing goal this week. I definitely need to be flossing more, so that's what I'm going to work on this week as well as trying to get myself motivated to do my other goals. I'm still doing good on prayers, scriptures, vitamins, dinner, making my bed, and bringing dishes to the kitchen. So it's not all bad, but the others I've only been doing ok on some and not at all for others. So I'll just keep working on them and hope they become habits some day.

Goal recap:
#1- Clean 1/2hr a day
#2- Keep up with dishes
#3- Brush teeth once a day
#4- Read scriptures daily
#5- Toddler bedtime routine
#6- Bedtime 11:30pm
#7- 50 crunches a day
#8- Take vitamins every day
#9- No computer for 1hr a day when Hubby is home
#10- 1 load of laundry each day
#11- Daily prayers, morning and night
#12- Dinner 3x during the week
#13- Lotion every day
#14- Floss every day
#15- Bringing dishes to kitchen
#16- Clean office each day
#17- Make bed every morning

To join in SHS go to The Lazy Organizer.


Barb said...

Some good goals there!

I have a special sticky post up!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to make myself floss also....with only two things on my list you'd think I'd have the willpower to do it! : )

Anonymous said...

great goals Kara!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

It looks like you are doing good!!

Good luck this week.

Rebecca said...

I think you're doing great. You have quite a long list so don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck this week!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I think that doing so well on so many goals is GREAT! The others are just works in progress and I think as long as you keep working on them you will make them a habit someday! Hope you have a great, and SMART week!

Anonymous said...

You are doing great and good for you knowing when to slow down and going back over the ones you have going..........I am highly impressed and hope to do as well when I have that many.....good luck this week.

Robin said...

Great list of habits. Keep on them.

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

What a long list.
But great items.

Focussing on one makes it faster into a habit. When you're used to it, take another one.

I always floss when I sit down to watch the news. LOL!

Unknown said...

What a long list.
But great items.

Focussing on one makes it faster into a habit. When you're used to it, take another one.

I always floss when I sit down to watch the news. LOL!