Join in Heads Or Tails Tuesdays at Skittles! Today's word is Luck and because Tails was called this week, Barb got to choose the topic: List a couple ways LUCK has played a part in your life.
I am one of those people who doesn't believe in luck. I think God is in charge. I try not to say "I'm lucky" and instead I give God credit by saying "I'm blessed". God has blessed me with a wonderful husband who is my best friend, 2 beautiful healthy children who I love more than I could ever imagine possible, our good home, good jobs, and everything we need when we need it (not everything we want lol, but we get what we need). Some people would say I'm lucky, but I don't think it's just chance, I know God has blessed me and I thank him for all I have.
I may think wow that was lucky.. but in the end I know there was more than luck involved. :)
You are very blessed and even a bit lucky in some things. Like I'm lucky you hang out with me. lol
I'm blessed to have such a great friend like you that's for sure!
You are very lucky! Great pictures of you with the boys in the wrap. Very cute.
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