Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?
- People I don't know online :D
If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
- Probably none, I need indoor plumbing, electricity, and memory foam mattresses. If I absolutely had to choose I would choose somewhere with a matriarchal society, many ancient civilizations looked down on women, I'd want one that revered them :)
What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
- The birth of my children
Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
- Well, I'd go against the current "too posh to push" celeb c-section births and have a homebirth.
What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
- I don't think there's an ideal age, just when a person is ready to have children (though probably at least 18). I was 20 when I had my first.
Technorati Tags: Friday's+Feast, Weekend, Meme
love your soup! :)
wonderful feast!
I totally agree with your appetizer..it is sometimes easier to talk to people you don't know..great feast
Mine's up too
I agree with your dessert ! and maybe you could live with Cleopatra !
Interesting appetizer! I have tons of online friends too.
Great that you can open up to your imaginary friends.
Love your feast! Happy Friday! Come join my very 1st one :)
Like your appetizer - it's amazing how easy it is to talk to complete strangers online. I'm with you on the soup - couldn't imagine living without my modcons!!
Very tasty soup! Wish I'd thought of that answer.
I love your appetizer. Quasi-anonymity makes a lot of things easier.
Great dessert! Thanks for sharing your feast:) Happy Friday!
Mine's up as well:)
A wonderful feast, framed nicely with great appetizer and desert.
Whoof! I like this feast. 'Course I likes most near all hooman foods, bark!
Happy Feast Day. I learned a new phrase. "too posh to push". A classic!
Interesting appetizer!! We share many of the same answers this week. Love the phrase too posh to push :)
Great answer on the app! It's SO true.
Hmmm... Your soup really made me think. I like the comfort of modern life, too.
Oh my goodness. You're right, it is easy to talk to complete strangers.....I didn't think of that!
Great appetizer...I never thought about it but you're right:) Happy FF.
That's an awesome feast! :)
I am so full. I think I'll kick up my feet and hang around a bit.
Have a good one.
I truly agree with your appetizer!
great feast- love the soup, we are so lucky with all our conviences- also you are right to put an age limit on children having children is scary.
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