
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Routine Cleaning

Does anyone have an easy to follow cleaning routine? I'm working on one to hopefully get myself to clean more. I was thinking of doing 1 room a day, like Monday- Living Room, Tuesday- Kitchen, Wednesday- Bathrooms, etc. And of course I also have to come up with daily cleaning too like laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and all that, cuz I definitely can't get away with doing those once a week! So if you have a cleaning routine that works for you, will you share your ideas? Do you do the harder things earlier in the week so you have more relaxed weekends, or save it for weekends when you have more time? And if there's anyone out there with Toddlers that has a clean house, please tell me how you do it!!!

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Nikki said...

I'd recommend

She encourages just 15 minutes a day and a few other "hotspot" pick-ups. Go check it out. She has completely transformed my home.

Kara said...

I've actually tried FlyLady twice lol, after a few weeks I'd always slip out of the routines. Maybe I need to try again lol. Third times a charm right?

Thia said...

I started with Fly lady, developed my own control journal, modified her master cleaning lists to fit my house. I followed along the flylady way for a while,but couldn't stick with it. My latest (and it works!) is to break down her weekly home blessing, one each day. Each day is a different room, just 15 minutes. My goal? Work through the list. At the end of the month, to see everything crossed off. Does it make sense? It's working here and I have a one year old and an almost 3 year old. Yesterday, I only had my blessing task since I am finished with my dining room for the month! I broke it up into five days, saturday being a "make up day" for when I skip (errand day) or we just have a crummy day here. Sunday, no chores, just watering plants.

Lorie said...

Did you see this post? I tthought Amy had some good ideas.