
Monday, August 06, 2007

Monday Madness

Today we don't have anything going on. My little sister went home yesterday, my mom came and picked her up. It was fun having her here for a few days. I don't have Little Baby today or tomorrow. I tried to sleep in a little but Baby decided he wanted to get up and play at our normal time. Why don't they understand sleeping in?! Maybe I can get a nap later if I can get both boys down at the same time. Laundry needs done, and I really need to put it away instead of piling it at the foot of the bed. Oh, I better go get the chicken out of the freezer so I can defrost it and get it in the crockpot for dinner.


Ted said...

what a great blogger! just a note to say that. i think you would like my wife's blog. just click on mine and then click on "hohee" (private joke). anyway, i enjoyed the read! i'll be back...

Kara said...

you're right Ted, I did like her blog :)

Kendra said...

Just when my 2 year old started to understand when mommy wants to sleep in, I have another baby! Oh well, I guess this one will realize she can watch cartoons on Saturday morning while mommy and daddy sleep in soon enough.

Michelle said...

I hope you can get the boys to nap at the same time. Maybe we should do something where you have one less child. Maybe go to the zoo tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

I wish my 4 year old took naps. man I would so nap with them, but no she is jumping off the walls while the baby sleeps.

Lorie said...

Hope you got your nap and had a great Monday! I had a very hard Monday!!! Workwise that is!