
Saturday, November 24, 2007


OK, so since you all want to know what I got at Circuit City and what I'm getting for Christmas I might as well tell you lol.

At Circuit City yesterday we were standing in line to hopefully get a laptop they had on sale for $299. Unfortunately they only had 7 and we were at least 50-75 in line so we didn't get it, but we did get another one they had on sale that was a little more expensive. So I am now using our nice new laptop! I love it! Except that is has Vista on it and I'm not used to it yet.

My Christmas presents were supposed to be a surprise, but Hubby bought them on ebay and forgot that PayPal receipts gets sent to my email lol, so I found out when I suddenly got the receipts for seasons 7-10 of Friends. We already have seasons 1-6 and he got me 7-10 for Christmas. A few have already arrived but I'm not allowed to watch them until Christmas lol. And his Christmas present that he wanted was golf clubs, so we picked some up at WalMart yesterday.


Anonymous said...

woo hoo Kara, good stuff! sorry you didn't get the lap top you wanted. I wat a lap top soooo bad!!!

I found out today what my inlaws are getting us for Christmas. Season passes to Disneyland!! YAY I am so excited!

Dawn said...

Awesome Christmas presents!! Yay for a new laptop!

Michelle said...

A new laptop, sweet! I know you missed having your last one. Does this mean we'll have more time to play games? ;) Sounds like some really fun Christmas presents.

Misty DawnS said...

I'm so happy for you (jealous, but happy LOL). My current laptop literally burns me if I set it on my lap and, eventually, it is going to fry it's own hard drive. Could your husband come over and talk to my husband about the things you should do for your wife? I'd be forever indebted to you!

Emily said...

Yeah on the new laptop!! I love ours and am so happy with it. I love vista now that I'm more familiar with it. Enjoy!!

Qtpies7 said...

Congrats on the new domain name! I just got mine, too. I think it will start redirecting tomorrow or the next day.
Did you get hit in the Google slapping? I did, and I hope with the new domain name I will go back up.

Kara said...

qtpies- yep, I got dropped from 3 to 0 PR :P

*Marie* said...

Well congrats on your early Christmas presents!