This picture cracks me up. This was at our wedding reception. These are my brothers, nephews, and some of their friends just chilling out. What's so funny is how some of them dressed, they thought it would be cool to dress from the 70's, obviously normal
wedding shirts are not fun enough. We all got a good laugh out of it. The one withthe brown jacket and yellow shirt and hideous gren pants is Brett, a family friend, the one with the brown checked jacket and yellow tie is my brother AJ, and the one with the awesome white jacket and black shirt is my brother's friend Chris. Another funny thing was that as the night wore on the line of boys sitting up there kept growing, I guess they got bored at the reception lol. So we have progressive pics of the growing line too :) Fun times. Sorry the pic quality isn't that great, I had to scan a small picture since our CD drive is broken and I couldn't get it off the cd.
Actually, I think the grainy quality of the pic adds to the 70s-ness of it . . . of course you're probably too young to actually REMEMBER pics from back then . . . oh wait . . . you weren't even born 'til the 80s right? :)
LOL, if someone didn't know better I'm sure they'd think this is a pic from the 70's. I wasn't born until '83 of course but I've seen pics of my parents from then.
I LOVE this pic! Look at Josh's long hair! I love it! He told me about this night and how funny it was. We had just barely started dating around this time. Weird. It feels like forever ago.
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