
Saturday, November 03, 2007

No-nap little monster

At what age did your kids stop taking naps? Toddler is 3 and now at the point where he will not go down for a nap easily and sometimes not take one at all, but if he doesn't he still gets really grumpy and tired early. So I either resort to threats to get him to nap or deal with him being a monster the rest of the day. So do I just not try to get him to nap and hope he gets used to it and starts behaving better, or keep forcing it? I really enjoy that 2 hours when he does nap, it helps a lot.


Danielle said...

Yeah he did not want to take a nap at all when he was here. I think for sure he still needs one because he can be a grumpy gus! He didn't want to take one but I laid down with him and he fell asleep within five minutes. I think you should keep forcing it for awhile longer.

Rachel said...

Ryan will still take naps sometimes at 4 1/2 but Richard isn't even 2 yet and he has decided that he is done with naps. I think they go through phases sometimes. Ryan has times where he's taken naps consistently and times when he hasn't slept at all. I'm hoping Richard will go back to taking naps or I'm really going to be tired when this baby is born.

Melissa said...

My oldest is 19 months so I don't have a lot of experience with this. Sometimes she doesn't want to take a nap but I have to make her take a nap or else she will be very cranky the rest of the day.

Anonymous said...

I have my own nap monster. Cameron is 2 and 1/2. Actually though, he's better at napping that sleeping through the night. Right now, he wakes up about 3 or 4 times (and he sleeps with me) and cries. I give him a bottle around 5am, but the other times, I have to turn on his Baby Tad music for six minute little torturous intervals. I'm the last person to give out advice on how to get a child on a great schedule! LOL Good luck with getting Toddler to nap!

Dawn said...

Justin gave them up not too long ago...he still falls asleep every 3 or 4 days he gets too tired. Stinks though - I miss the daily naps!