
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Don't you hate it when...

OK, it really annoys me when I post something here and later I'm reading through blogs and see someone has used my words as their own post. Sometimes the exact same words, sometimes with a few small changes. It hasn't happened with personal posts, usually with sponsored posts or contests, but it just irks me. I hadn't mentioned it until now and won't name names because I like these people still, but I'd like people to know that I really don't appreciate plagiarism of my posts without permission or acknowledgment.


Anonymous said...

i agree, it can be very frustrating. one problem i've found lately with paid blogging is that with so many ppl blogging on the same assignment/topic, sometimes posts are *really* similar. it's kind of annoying.

Kara said...

Yeah, I know that some of the paid posts will be similar just because there's only so much you can write about the same topic, but what I hate is when someone will use my posts, word for word with maybe a few minor changes, and it's obvious that they copied it. They are getting paid for my work.

Michelle said...

That really stinks Kara, I'm sorry. If I have a post that is similar to someone else's, like a PPP, I won't read theirs until I write my own. Just for that reason. Some people are so lazy. :P

Anonymous said...

I agree as for the PPP I ahve noticed that so many people's are very similar and alot of the opps want you to say certain things so everyone's pretty much sounds the exact same.

Anonymous said...

I have a question, in your template is there somehting in the main body part that shows the link for the "older posts" I don't have that and wanted to put it on my blog.

Kara said...

I'll have to check Amanda, I thought that was just a part of all templates but I guess custom ones might not have it, If I find the code to add I'll let you know :)

Natalie said...

That stinks! I agree with what others have said. Sponsored posts often sound alike. I don't think I've come across someone copying me, but I'd be ticked if I did. Can you contact this person and let them know you're upset?

Anonymous said...

thanks Kara. I tried to find it by choosing a new template but IDK LOL.

*Marie* said...

I can understand why you are angry about it. Even if they are your friends, they shouldn't be copying your work. ESPECIALLY if they are getting paid for it. Your blog could be penalized because they are stealing your work.

Anonymous said...

I will never do a pay-per-post so you won't have to worry about me stealing your work ;)