
Friday, November 09, 2007


By now all my regular readers should know that I love being able to make money on my blog. Well, yesterday I was just reading through my feeds and saw a few bloggers who had joined bloggerwave. It is a new company where you get paid to post reviews, opinions, and buzz about products or sites. And it was so easy and quick to get started. I signed up yesterday and am already approved, less than 24hrs later. Go check it out!


Natalie said...

Don't hate me...I tried them, did this initial ad. Then they changed their site and changed everyone's passwords. When they did that it kicked my blog off my account and made the opportunity disappear. So I never got paid and they have no record of my blog, but they still have all my personal info (pay pal and such) and I can't find a way to delete it. Be weary of them. Sorry.

Kara said...

yeah, I had the exact same thing happen. I figured I'd give it one more shot and if they don't pay up I'll drop em.

Natalie said...

Yeah, I guess I could try them again since they have my info and all. LOL! Let's see if they approve my blog now that Google spanked my PR down to a 2.

Kara said...

It still had my blogged approved in the system so I didn't have to re-register it :)

*Marie* said...

I just signed up with them. I hope I don't encounter any complications. Thanks for letting me know about this company. Hope for the best, I suppose!