What is your favorite fruit?
- Probably banana cuz it's yummy and easy. Of course I love fresh pineapple too, but it's not quite as convenient.
Who is someone you consider as a great role model?
- Well, the only person I can think of right now is Jesus lol
If you were to spend one night anywhere within an hour of your home, where would you choose?
- Oh come on, there's nothing fun within one hour of anywhere in Idaho :P lol. I guess since next week is our anniversary we could go spend the night at the hotel we went to on our honeymoon, that's an hour away.
Main Course
Name something you do too often.
- Blog, plain and simple
Fill in the blank: I really like ___________ because ____________.
- I really like sleep because I don't get enough.
i agree with every one of your answers. A banana is a great invention isn't it? :) I LOVE SLEEP!! Great feast.
I agree with your soup! I also hope you get more sleep (although it must not be easy at all).
Great feast! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend :)
P.S. Bananas are also great but last year we had Cyclone Larry up north and bananas skyrocketed to $15/kg!!! Now they're more reasonable - I think around $4.95/kg
Do you think moms will get enough sleep in the millennium? I sure hope so! lol I agree with your salad, there really isn't too much to do around here. Good feast Kara. :D
Enjoyed your feast.
Idaho has some beautiful mountains and forests and not too many people.
Bananas are yummy and convenient and they make delicious banana bread when they get too ripe to eat.
Hi Kara, great feast!
Like your main course, and dessert as well! LOL.
Happy Friday!
Great feast. I love sleep and nanas as well!
I wonder who in this whole wide world DOESN'T like to sleep??? Lovely feast - thanks for sharing!
Come over and FEAST with me too!!
Great feast! Your soup was awesome!
Have a great Friday!
♥ Jodi
I agree with all of your answers, especially your Dessert. LOL. A yummy feast! Have a good weekend!
That's the thing about bananas - they're SO easy. They aren't my favourite fruit, but they're the fruit I eat the most of LOL
Happy Friday. I think blogging too much is something all bloggers could admit to. It's SO addicting!
Oh yes, bananas are a powerful little food, aren't they?
More sleep sounds good, too...
I think Jesus is a great role model :)
same main course served!and i love your soup! my feast is up...hope u could come and visit!
Our anniversary is in 2 weeks and I'm STILL trying to figure out what to do (we have too much going on at church that week).
A wonderful feast... great answers. Happy anniversary!
Thanks for the visit. Come often :o)
I really love your soup! Come by and see my feast!
Great feast today! Your main course is just like mine. Love your dessert!
Mine is up...come on over!
Great feast...best soup just yet. :)
Sleep....I love it...more than dessert : ).
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