
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Not sure if I'm angry or happy!?

OK, you will never guess what my crazy husband did last night! Yesterday our TV died, just gave up and decided not to work. Just great. So we were going to go try to find a nice, inexpensive TV sometime soon. Well, Hubby decided to head to the store last night, I guess just to look. Normally we don't make big purchases without consulting each other, but he couldn't reach me cuz he had my cell and we can't call the house from it, so he went ahead and did it without my ok, and it was NOT ok! He bought a 50" plasma TV!!! Sure, it was 40% off, making it $900 instead of $1500, but we do not have $900 to just spend like that! He had to put it on our credit card, that we just barely got paid off last month. On one hand, I am ticked that he bought it, especially since his main reason for not getting pregnant again right now is we don't have money. But on the other hand- holy cow I have a 50" plasma TV! Football season is going to be awesome!

This beauty is now taking up a whole wall in our living room:


Amy said...

Yikes! I think I would have the same mixed feelings as you. Hopefully you guys can get it paid off quickly so you can enjoy it.

Michelle said...

Wow! That would be a tough one not to have mixed feelings. Good luck trying to decide. It would be hard!

Kara said...

Yeah, I keep fighting with myself over whether I want him to take it back. It is so nice! But I know if anything came up we could take it back or even sale it for a good price, so I'm thinking we'll keep it for now. Though I'm still a bit mad that he tells me we can't afford to go see Harry Potter, but goes and buys this!

Lorie said...

Like your new header.

Btw, I felt the same way when my dh went out and bought a new car, but things have seemed to work out.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh!

I think I'd be the same as you...upset at first, but HOLY CRAP! That is a huge TV!


Kate said...

Wow . . . yeah . . . I'm not sure if I'd be as nice as you're being if James tried that . . . LOL
May you have many hours of great TV/movie/sports viewing! :)

Barb said...

I would be mad, too.. but COOL!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I want a new TV. NICE!!

hey, how did you redo your blog? I want a 3 colum too

Kara said...

Amanda- there's a link in my bottom left sidebar about doing a 3-column template, that's what I used :) or you can pay someone to do one for you, like if you go to CrAzY Working Mom in my links she just had one done that's really cute.