OK, Tisha tagged me for this meme :D It's the 3 words meme, and you have to answer each question in 3 words. Shouldn't be too hard right?
1. Where is your cell phone? Charging on couch
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Great Hubby Nate
3. Your hair? Boring and brown
4. Where is your father? He travels everywhere
5. Your favorite thing to do? Blog read cuddle
6. Your dream last night? I don't know
7. Your dream car? Sexy cute convertible
8. The room you're in? Burning hot office
9. Who did you hang out with last night? Just Hubby Nate
10. Your fears? Family getting hurt
11. What aren't you good at? Socializing, sports, housework
12. Muffins? Blueberry with butter
13. One of your wish list items? Lots of money
14. The last thing you did? Fed Little Baby
15. Your computer? Black Compaq desktop
16. Your pet? 3 dumb cats
17. You are wearing? Pink shirt, jeans
18. Your life? Boring but blessed
19. Your mood? Bored and tired
20. Missing? Nothing I remember
21. Your car? Minivan Ford Windstar
22. What are you thinking about now? Dinner, sleep, running
23. Your work? Babysitting, paid blogging
24. Your summer? Hot, dry, quiet
25. Your relationship status? Married, 2 kids
26. Your favorite color(s)? Blue, red, white
27. When is the last time you cried? Reading this afternoon
28. When was the last time you laughed? Lunchtime at Hubby
29. School? Might go back
30. Favorite 90's group? I don't know
K, I get to tag 3 people, let's see:
Awesome...you're quick! :)
Great job.
Loved #12 and #16 made me laugh. :D
thanks for the tag, and I tagged you back for another one! ;)
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