I wish all of you a merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope that you will have a joyous celebration with your family and friends. I am excited to see my boys enjoy their gifts in the morning. Tonight they got to open the pajama pants I made them today and then we told them the story of Jesus' birth. I've been trying to explain to Jason that we celebrate Christmas for Jesus' birthday and that we share gifts like the wise men did. Since he's only 3 he doesn't understand it all much, yet, but hopefully next year he will more. Jakey still doesn't understand the concept at all lol, but he will still have fun with his presents.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Kara and family! I hope you all had a great one!
I am so glad you say "Merry Christmas" rather than Happy Holidays, or Merry x-mas, or Merry Midwinter. Its Christmas. We celebrate Christ. Hope you had a good one.
I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas!
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