
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Laundry Monster

So we had the Sears guy come check out our fridge, washer and dryer today. Pretty routine- change this, clean that, pull 15 baby socks out of the washer hose...yeah 15! OK, so I didn't really count, but there were at least 10 baby socks clogging up our washer and making it not drain well. I've been wondering how come the boys' socks have been disappearing. Evidently I do have a monster in my washer eating them! They were all grungy and chewed up. I didn't bother trying to save them, just threw the lot in the trash.


Michelle said...

That's crazy that so many socks were in there. My husband still can't believe that's where his special pen ended up and the shape it was in. I can't believe it still worked. lol Darn sock/pen washer monster! lol

Lorie said...

I use a laundry bag for socks for that reason. I have not had much problems with that "laundry monster" after using that. lol

Kara said...

Yeah, I have some mesh bags that I used to use for socks but got out of the habit, the repair guy said I should use them lol.

Anonymous said...

So, the washer DOES eat our socks. I wondered if the washer was the culprit or the dryer. NOW I know.

Anonymous said...

What?? I had no idea it was the washer the whole time. I bet you could find some pretty interesting things in ours : )