Once again,
5 Minutes for Mom is doing an awesome contest. If you have a baby, are expecting, or want one for a friend's baby you should sign up for the contest to win one of 2 giftbaskets with items from PLAYSKOOL and
CVS/pharmacy. These giftbaskets include baby care products such as diapers, wipes, teethers, sippy, and more. So if you want to get in on this awesome contest go sign up at 5M4M. I know I would love to win it. And keep checking back at 5M4M because they are always doing great contests.
Youve been tagged!!! please see here for more details!
THanks for the info. i tagged you for the same meme on my blog lol!
ok, people stop tagging me for that one! LOL that's 3 now :D
I was just tagged for the third time , fourth I mean two people tagged me the second time. That one is really going around. Sorry I copied your post! I was just in a hurry, I could have written my own, bad me!
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