
Thursday, January 25, 2007

On Vacation!

So, I'm going on vacation. I leave early tomorrow morning and likely won't visit my blog until at least Feb 4th, which means of course that I won't be visiting any other blogs either until then lol. I'm sure I will have a bazillion things to catch up on. I don't know how I'm going to handle not being on the computer for a week and 1/2!

Also, typepad users, I'm not ignoring you! For some reason I have not been able to comment on typepad accounts for the last few days. I don't know why, it just doesn't work. So I'm really sorry. To Antique Mommy- "LOL", to Chilihead- "Happy Bday Max!", to Shannon- "Aw, sad the crib is put away and LOL at killing the chickens!", and Tammy- "great pics!"

Don't have too much fun while I'm gone!


Michelle said...

Have a MARVELOUS time! You will be missed. Be safe! Watch out for jelly fish. Beware of sharks. Play nice with the other adults. Be happy. Sleep in. Eat lots. :D

Barb said...

I hope you have a fantastic time!!!! We'll miss you!

Crazy Working Mom said...

We'll miss you! : )
Love the picture. I'll have to keep visiting when you're gone just to see the pic. Have fun. We can't wait to hear all about it.

Kate said...

I know you won't see this until you're home, but I hope the trip is a great one! See you later! :)

Barb said...

Cheater! Cheater! LOL :)

Crazy Working Mom said...

Drat...forgot you were on vacation. Hope you're having fun. : )

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Hope you had a great vacation!