Thanks to Lara at
Lazy Organizer for hosting this. Basically it is a challenge to start a habit that will Save Money Associations Resources and Time (SMART).
Mine today is to spend 1 hour each day cleaning. That doesn't mean it has to be all together, but at least 1 hour each day should be spent cleaning my
pigsty home. This may not seem like a lot to most people, but I have to admit that I have let the computer take over my life way too much and I rarely get anything done. I think if I spend 1 hour a day cleaning, in just a week my house will be staying pretty clean and I can start using some of that hour for the deeper cleaning that I normally don't do. And since I won't be home half of today, I'm going to get started on today's hour right now!
Wonderful Kara! An hour a day will definitely help keep the mess away (cheesy, yes, I know!) My goal for this week (actually for the month of January is also cleaning-related).
Also, can I use that banner/picture for my blog?
Go ahead and use the banner :) I was bored so I thought I'd have fun and make it lol
I got my hour done today, it's amazing what you can get done in that amount of time! I did dishes, changed laundry and folded a load, cleaned my boys' room, picked up the office, and made beds :D At this pace my house should be staying pretty clean in a week!
I agree. It is amazing what you can get done when you just decide you are going to do it!!!
Good job on getting your hour of cleaning a day done. I like that goal--seems pretty doable especially if you break it down into smaller segments if necessary. Keep us posted on your progress!
I like how you are willing to break down your hour long goal into smaller increments ... being flexible and keeping things doable really helps us reach our goals.
By the way, I love the little banner/button/thing-a-ma-bob that you made for SMART Saturday. Since I haven't posted mine yet, I hope you don't mind be stealing it :) !! I am sure Lara will be tickled pink to see it!
Good luck on cleaning the rest of the week.
THanks everyone! I'm hoping setting a small goal for myself will work, I usually take on too much and get burnt out fast and give up, this should be easier for me. And anyone can use the banner thing if you want :)
Hey, do you love Barb at Skittle's Place? Please check out my post - then pass it on!
Good luck with that, sounds like a really good idea.
Great job on the banner Kara! You can totally achieve this goal!!
Good luck,
Love your banner! And great goal, it is one I need to do too! I am getting such great ideas from everyone! Have a great and *clean* week!
That is SMART! Sounds like you're on a roll.
An hour a day sounds perfect to me! Good job on your first day. I got my potty cleand today too! Who knew you could get so excited about house cleaning and potties?
I love the banner. Thanks for letting us use it! See, I knew someone would come up with something cute! Now we just need to get someone to sign up for refreshments.
I remember that Lorie, I participated a few times :) And it's really fun when you have someone else doing it too.
That is a great goal! It *is* amazing what you can get done in an hour, huh?
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