OK, last week I set my goal to do housework for 1 hr each day (except Sundays). I did pretty good, but Thursday I didn't do any and Friday I only did about 1/2hr. So I'm going to keep this as a goal until it becomes a habit.
And I'm going to share a story about how keeping things clean can save you money. I hate doing dishes and so they got piled up pretty high the last few days. Well, my cats love that because then they get on the counter and eat off the dishes. Unfortunately when you have dishes precariously stacked near the edge of the counter, a cat can knock them off pretty easily. We now have one less bowl and small plate. If I'd done dishes earlier like I should have that wouldn't have happened. Soon we're going to have to buy new dishes if that keeps happening. So putting off my housework costs me money.
I'm going to add a little sub-goal to my cleaning goal. It is to empty the dishwasher as soon as it's done and put dirty dishes in it as they get used so I can run it when it's full. Hopefully by doing this I can avoid dishes crashing onto the floor!
Check out The Lazy Organizer to learn more about SMART Habit Saturday and join in the fun!
Good job on cleaning an hour a day. I love cats, but they sure can cause trouble sometimes. My husbands says they are more trouble than they are worth. I disagree, but I have to say after cleaning up puke on my carpet this week I was starting to agree with him.
Good luck with the dishwasher. I keep mine loaded during the day, start it at night and empty it in the morning (or at lunch). It seems to work out ok for me.
The dishwasher was one of my goals for the last two weeks. I like my kitchen so much more with the dishes always clean or in the dishwasher. Good luck!!
It is so hard for me to keep up with the dishes (and laundry), but it really feels good to have a clean kitchen! Good luck with your *habits*. I like that you are not adding another until you make this one a habit. That's the way to do it!!! Have a great weekend!
Sounds like you did a pretty good job of doing your habit this last week. Good luck on keeping it up this week ... you can do it!
Sounds like you did a great job Kara! Way to go!
Great job Kara! I like the story too! Hope this will help you not get as many broken in the future! Good Luck!
Good luck on continuing your goal! I have to resolve time and time again to keep my dishes under control -- it's so nice when things are put away!
Kara- first of all thanks for making the banner and letting us all use it!
Second of all, you did great this week, even if it wasn't perfect. I am proud of you!
Have a great week and good luck on your goals
Good job this week!! And I like how you added to it this week!
What music is playing here on your blog?? I like it!
kristi- it's dashboard confessionals :) I love them!
You've really been making big improvements in your organization of things since I started coming here!!!
Cats on the worktop? YUK! I love cats too, all animals in fact (apart from rats!)
But I would never let a cat onto the worktops. I prepare food there!!!!
anonymous- yeah, they annoy me so much, I'm always yelling at them to get off the counters, they never learn
Keep up the good work. It will get easier and become a habit before you know it.
We have some naughty kittens at our house too! They're not allowed in the house very often but when they do come in they are trouble makers.
I don't know why we put things off that have to be done eventually anyway! It's like we think if we ignore the dirty dishes long enough they will go away. Funny how it doesn't work that way!
Have a great week and a clean kitchen!
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