So last week Toddler got sick, and then kindly passed it on to Hubby. I was grateful that Baby and myself had been spared, but yesterday Baby started showing signs of it. I passed it off as teething, and hoped that I was right, but I wasn't. Last night he hardly slept, he was miserable with coughing, runny nose, and a fever. Today he is just so sad looking, you know that pathetic, pity-me look they get when they are sick? Poor little guy. Plus Toddler still has it too, so I have 2 little sickies running around, and my other big sicky is at work sneezing up a storm. The one good thing about the kids being sick is how cuddly they get. It's so adorable, they just want to be cuddled and loved. Baby is sitting in my lap being adorable despite his snot-covered face. Another bonus is Baby naps more when he's sick so I can relax a bit. I'm hoping the sickness will still pass me over but now that I'm the only one left to go to, it probably won't.
Uh-oh -- try not to get sick!
And I hope your kiddos and DH get better SOON!
Aww, that's a cute picture. I hope you don't get sick and the boys start to feel better soon.
Ohhh look at that little precious face.
Awww ... I remember those times. I wish my kids would let me hold them now ...
sorry you guys are sick. That is such a cute picture though :)
We've all been sharing the stomach flu. :(
Cute pic, though. My little boy has some p.j.s just like that!
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