
Monday, June 09, 2008

Monday Madness

Today the boys and I went with my little sister shopping. She had to buy the things she needs for her cosmetology practical exam, which is tomorrow. We had fun getting out of the house for a bit and even stopped by PetsMart to look at the animals for the kids then went to the library and let the boys get some DVDs. We didn't do much the rest of the day, though I did make some homemade bread. It was a nice sunny day so when Hubby got home he mowed the lawn and the boys played outside while I watered the garden. My carrots are finally growing! I've spent some time this evening helping my sister put together her supplies for her test and my other little sister is here to spend the night. It's been a pretty good day. :)


Michelle said...

Sounds like a good day! I'm excited that your garden is doing so well. (And you thought everything you grew died. ;) ) Good luck to your sister tomorrow!

Hey, does your library do the summer reading program? I just signed up the girls. They, ok me too, we all like the prizes. lol

Unknown said...

It sounds like it was a very nice day. I envy you having your sister there with you, you have someone to talk to during the day, and to help with the kids. I'll never have that cuz' I don't have any sisters :( Tell her good luck on her practicals. I went to beauty school too, but all the chemicals made my body really sick, but not before I was only a couple of months out of graduation, so I learned most of it, all in all, "I'm a beauty school dropout" :)