We had to run some errands after my appointment and then it took me about 1/2 hour to get some pics scanned in since I couldn't figure out how to get pics off the DVD they gave me.
My appointment went well, measuring at 20 weeks, no problems, all that. The ultrasound was great. Baby was moving and looking soooo adorable! We got lots of good pictures and a DVD of the whole ultrasound.
And we found out that we are having...
Another cute little boy!
His name will be Nathan (after Hubby) and we are excited, though I am now going to be even more outnumbered in my house of blue lol. Here are some pics of our little guy:

Yep, Nathan is ALL boy! Congratulations! You are still the Queen of the castle! He's gonna have the bestest big brothers! He looks so good and healthy too, what a blessing!
Oh man! Another stinkin' boy! ;)
Just kiddin'...those boys will always take care of their mommy. You're lucky! You got some great shots of that sweetie pie.
Congratulations Mama! I am so excited for you....boys are the best. We have just one and I would so love another one (or two) some day. Trust me, there's nothing better than boys between 6 and 10. Just from my few years of teaching, I knew I wanted boys. They are so fun and loving - but you already know that!
Congratulations! You got really great ultrasound pictures!
Congratulations on another boy!!
My DH's name is Nathan, so I approve of the name. :-) He even has a big brother Jacob, too!
Congratulations! Welcome to the all boy club. They make you tired but it's fun.
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