
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Really good day

I was reminded today that it is almost my two-year blogiversary. One week from today. Has it really been two years already? Crazy.

We had a fun day today. Our playdate with my cousin and her son was lots of fun for the boys, we went to the park and it was just perfect outside. By the time we went back to her house though the boys were tired and not playing well anymore. Jakey especially was having a major meltdown because he hadn't had a nap. But overall we had a great time.

I forgot about Enrichment Night today and almost decided not to go and ended up being 45 minutes late. We were doing a service auction and I wasn't sure how much fun it would be, but it ended up being a great time and I even won a loaf of fresh homemade bread and freezer jam. I was so excited because I just finished off the last of my homemade jam today. And another lady who is one of my visiting teachers won a cute baby blanket with matching burp cloths and gave it to me for the baby. Almost made me cry, silly hormones. And we got apple crisp and ice cream after, so definitely worth going lol.

And I know I said I was going to try being in bed by 10 and it's now 10:30, but I swear I'm going in just a few minutes :D

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