
Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday's Feast

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?

- Probably around 8. We don't do anything big but I know I will always get something and go out to dinner :)

What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?

- I can't think of any right now, but I bet it would start with a "G"

Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?

-Nope, I can never find a cheap pair that look good on me. I have a pair lost somewhere that I never wear.

Main Course
If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?

- That would depend on what the book is about but it would definitely be a family member.

Name a beverage that you enjoy.

- Egg nog. I got so excited when Hubby brought some home the other day, I love when it's finally here for the season and sad when they stop selling it after the holidays.


Anonymous said...

nice feast, great dessert it reminds me of my SIL in canada how she like eggnog so much..happy FF!

Susanna said...

I have never drunk egg nogg....must put it on the 'to do ' list! My main course is just the same as yours and my appetizer sounds similar too :) Happy Friday.

Anonymous said...

Great feast! I have never tried your drink but heard much about it from my friend:) Happy FF!

Anonymous said...

yum! I love egg nog. One of the highlights of the holidays!

Hootin Anni said...

Oh ya!!! Me too. Egg nog!!! Delicious!!! And not any of that 'diet' low cal stuff either...the real RICH kind. *smackin' my lips*

My feast is served, won't you come dine with me?

Anonymous said...

I love egg nog bread--delicious. great feast this week--have a great Friday.

Stacey said...

My hubby *LOVES* egg nog. Happy Friday!

Natalie said...

Ok, I'm the odd man out here. I hate hate hate egg nog! LOL!

Amanda said...

mmmm egg nog... DROOL!!!

Kara said...

Natalie- lol, that's ok, I used to hate it too, but guess my tastes changed and now I love it :D

Misty DawnS said...

My salad would be the same as yours. My face is so small that any sunglasses I find always make me look like a giant bug!

Michelle Quinno said...

Yum, egg nog is great! I haven't seen it in the stores around here yet. My boys could live off it! LOL

Anonymous said...

That's funny about egg nog. I hate the stuff! But, everyone around me laps it up. My husband and brother LOVE it, and so my mom makes eggnog pie!!! YUCK : )

Michelle said...

Yum, egg nog. I wanted to buy some while I was at the store but I refrained. lol Great feast!