Mama Pajama tagged me for this the other day and I figure I better do it before I forget again :)
List 3 things you are thankful for today
1. Peace and quiet
2. My family, watching my boys for a week
3. Egg nog
List 3 people from your past you would love to see again for any reason at all
1. Heather, an old friend who I haven't sen in a few years, I want to see how her and her kids are doing
2. Mallory, high school theatre buddy, she was so fun and now she has a CD out and getting famous :D
3. Amanda, another high school friend that I haven't seen in about 5 years
List 3 things you dream of doing before you die
1. See more of the world
2. See my kids grow up happy
3. Write a book
List 3 wishes you’ve had come true
1. Marrying a good man
2. Having my beautiful boys
3. All expenses paid vacation to Cancun
List 3 things you wish you’d never done
1. Wasted time with crushes on stupid jerks just cuz they were cute
2. Stopped dancing
3. Stupid stuff when I moved away for college just cuz I could
List 3 random things about yourself
1. I love being a mom
2. I love sugar
3. I hate cold
List 3 people you tag for this meme
1. Dawn
2. Beth
3. Tisha
Great answers...except egg nog! Yuck! JJ Thanks for being a good sport about being tagged so much!
D'oh! Tagged again. :)
Good job on this one. I'll get around to it...sometime.
Mmmmm egg nog. *drools* I wanted to buy some today. I should have. Maybe I'll make Richard run out for some. lol
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