
Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Y'all Bloggy Giveaway!

Rocks in My Dryer is hosting another great giveaway with hundreds of bloggers joining in. Check out the Bloggy Giveaways site to see all the great giveaways and join in.

I am joining in too and giving away hats from my Kara's Custom Crochet site. You get to choose the type of hat, colors, and size (baby, toddler, child, adult). And I am going to be giving away 3! So go check out my site and then come back and leave a comment to enter.

Contest open to USA and Canadian shipping addresses only. I will close it Friday night sometime. Open to non-bloggers also, just make sure to leave an email address for me to reach you. No duplicate comments please.


Jes said...

how adorable! count me in!!!

The Baker Family said...

You're very talented!

Anonymous said...

I love crotched hats! Count me in, too!

Searching For Simplicity said...

Your things are beautiful!! Please enter me.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

That IS adorable!

Hélène said...

So cute! I would love a hat like that!

Hillary said...

I would love a hat for my little boy. How cute!

Christy said...

What a cute hat. Please enter my name


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness I would love this! HOw cute is that hat!

Amanda said...

woo hoo!! I just love the pumpkin hat!

Sassyfrazz said...

I am throwing my name in the hat for a chance to win~~

Dyane said...

Oh! How cute, I'd love to win one! Count me in :)

Montserrat said...

Love the Stylin' cap!

Kara said...

When I saw your name I was hoping you were giving away some of your cute hats!!

greg&sarina said...

a green baby winter hat would be lovely
Please enter me!

Karla Porter Archer said...

aaa! SO CUTE!!

I'd love this! Please count me in!


windycindy said...

Hi, What a fun site. You are very creative and do wonderful work! I can't even sew a button on! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

Gorgeous work!


AngieB said...

lovely hats!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Adorable!! COunt me in please!

Qtpies7 said...

I love, love the little boy hat with blue kind of stripes with white! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

I like the Stylin' Cap in pink for my 5 y.o.! She would love it.

Thanks for the chance to win.

sarah_carol (at) hotmail (dot) com

Farrah said...

Love your hats! Would love one for me and for my 18month son. :)

Thanks for entering my giveaway! I'll have more later this week so check back. :)

Andrea said...

How fun! I'd love to win this one! :)

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

The stylin' cap is adorable!

Alaina said...


Liz said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks so much!

Shannon said...

That is just too cute!!

Julie said...

I like the stylish hats, they would make for cute pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such talent.
Le Anne

Awesome Mom said...

Those hats are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Great looking hats!

Geri said...

count me in !!! Please!!! Love this!!!

Melissa Neece said...

Thanks for the contest!!
(Lots of pregnancy and natural living links)


Lorie said...

Please enter me. I love your pumpkin hats!

Lynn said...

Adorable and very affordable! I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

The winter hat, complete with edging and pompom. Adorable.
kanddallison at yahoo dot com

bethany said...

I really like the stylin cap-very cute!

Carole Burant said...

Such a fabulous giveaway!! Please add my name to your draw:-) xo

Anonymous said...

I love the pumpkin hat for a toddler! Would it look funny in green? If so, the color shown is cute too!

allisonboast at yahoo dot com

El Shaddai Ranch said...

My new baby needs one of these for the winter. thanks : )

Katja said...

I love everything handmade! Please count me in!

Genevieve P said...

Please enter me! My 4 yr old needs a new hat!

jennifer said...

Oh I would LOVE to win one of these pumpkin hats for a friend who's pregnant right now! So cute.

Ginny said...

What a cute hat & website!

Tamara said...

Sweet hats! And, handmade! :-) Thanks for offering them!

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

Anonymous said...

My kids could so use hats. It is so cold here right now. I have my sweatshirt on and socks. I hate cold weather by the way.

God bless

Christine said...

I love the pink Stylin' Cap!

Anonymous said...

So cute, Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'd love this! Count me in.

Angela S said...

What a cute hat!

Anonymous said...

Cute! And cute. I'd like to enter.

Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

I'd love a winter hat with a little pom pom on it. You may find craftshowconnection beneficial to your crocheting business. I have a banner on my right sidebar with the link.

FENICLE said...


Unknown said...

I would love th have this :)

Phyllis Sommer said...

any of my kiddos would look so cute in your hats! hope i win:-)

Reality Show Reject said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Linda SS said...

The hat is darling! Please enter me to win one:)

Anonymous said...

You do such nice work! Please enter me for a chance to win one of your beautiful hats. :)


Michelle said...

what cute hats!

Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) said...

I can't decide if I want one for me or my boy... I'll nail it down if I win ;o)

Rebecca said...

Enter me please! I'm due for the coldest winter I've ever had - living in a new state. Thanks!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Count me in Please!!

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

Those are really nice . Please enter me - its about to get cold here in Texas!!


Christine said...

I absolutely love the pumpkin hat. It would also be really cute as an apple -maybe. Please enter me. Thanks

Hillary (Mrs. Einstein) said...

LOVE the stylin' cap! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

These are adorable! They look so warm and cozy...Keeping my fingers crossed for my son!

Jennifer said...

I like the Winter Hat for my little one on the way!

Sharon L. Holland said...

Ooh. So warm.

mommyof8blessings said...

I really liked the bright pink hat!! Your blanket are beautiful too!!Such talent!
Please enter me too!!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful stuff. Great giveaway, so count me in! Good luck everyone!

Tallie Elizabeth said...

Your hats are lovely!
Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win! They are lovely!!!

Rashmi said...

I love them all, especially the Pumpkin hat. How to make them stay on Kiddo's head will be the real challenge!

This Journey of Mine said...

I need to learn how to do this! In the meantime, count me in! Thanks.

Sonya said...

Count me in! I love the stylin' hat as well as the pumpkin one! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

They are all so cute!! Count me in!


Jenna said...

So cute!! Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

I love the stylin hat. :)

Thanks for the chance to win.

writetome (at) thesilvas (dot) com

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I'm in! meg (dot) wilson (at) gmail (dot) com

Tara said...

My little Avery Rose just needs one of those little hats! Then she can pass it on to her little cousins to be born next spring!

Krista said...

Cute cute hats! I'd either get a winter cap for my baby or a stylin' cap for me!

Emily said...

Cute hats!


Liberty said...

Yes, very cute! Please add my name to the hat, if you will :)

Happy Autumn and Good luck to all!

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Not Much More Than This

Becca said...

ooooh! Please count me in!

Jhianna said...

Count me in, please!

noreen said...

so beautiful, they make me want to start knitting and crocheting again.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I'd love to have one of these for my niece(s) or nephew :)


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win.
Theresa n

Meredith A. said...

SO so cute! I wish I was that talented! Count me in!

Eden said...

I would love to win the Stylin' Cap in white! Please count me in. Thanx! Email is in my profile!

Anonymous said...

You're so talented! Your site is very nice. That pumpkin hat is really adorable. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Thank you.

Shelly said...

How cute!

JewelsHud said...

Super cute . . . this would be adorable on my little guy!!! Thanks for the giveaway!


Angela said...

SOOO cute. Pleas eenter me!

maggie said...

Beautiful hats! Please count me in.

Sandy said...

Gorgeous!! I'm in!

PastormacsAnn said...

So cute. Please count me in. Great giveaway!

JenLive! said...

These are just beautiful!

Kellie said...

How cute! I'm having a baby girl in March and would love a sweet hat for her. Count me in!

Karen said...

This is fabulous, please count me in! Thanks:-)

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Mommy said...

How Sweet, what a lovely prize to give away. Thank you! Please count me in. :)

Cathi said...

I love the sweet lace baby blanket but the pumpkin hat is my favorite hat.

Lilypad Mom said...

So cute! My 2 year old would love the stylin' cap.

Ad Tracker said...

Please enter me in your drawing.

Thank you for running this great contest :)

Unknown said...

please enter me in this contest

Anonymous said...

So very cute! thanks for the fun giveaway :)

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I'd love to win! Thank you.

heather h said...

Sylin' and pumpkin are my favorites. We love hats around here! Thank you, your work is so cute and fun!

Stacey said...

so so cute! come visit me too!

Unknown said...

My little one doesn't have a whole of of hair so i have been needing a hat for his cute little head!!

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing. You rock!

Romie said...

Hope I am not too late, please enter me in your give-away. I loved the picture of the blue one on the first page of the site (except would want it in purple for my little girl) :)

Richelle said...

Cute!! Please count me in!

Katy said...

You're stylin' cap is so cute! You do great work! Please enter my name in your contest. Thanks!