
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Members of the Family

Look what I woke up to this morning! 4 cute little black kittens! Our cat Stars had her babies during the night. I went down and could hear the cats all fighting so I opened the door and tried to break them up (note to self: do not try to break up cats with a bare foot unless you like the torn and bleeding look) and Stars chased the other 2 out and came back and there on the blankets were 4 little kitties, all of them black. I love kittens!


nora.lakehurst said...

Awe Tute wittle kittens. I am allergic to kitties but If I wasnt I would totally get one. They are so cute.

Natalie said...

Cute! We had cats when we first got married, not saying I want anymore anytime soon. But they're cute!

Anonymous said...

AWWW!!! So sweet! How exciting for ya'll.

Stacey said...

I'm allergic to kitties so we will never have any. They are very sweet though!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...congrats! They are beauties.

Misty DawnS said...

Awwww... how sweet! Isn't is a truly magical feeling to see the new little-bitty babies? I was in awe the first litter that Mokey had. It was so special. Congratulations on your new babies!

Anonymous said...

aww, how cute, (I thought the picture was of litle monkeys at first)

Kara said...

lol Amanda, they do kinda look like little monkeys huh? :D