
Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday's Feast

What is your favorite type of art?

- I love artwork by Simon Dewey, he does beautiful religious paintings.

When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?

- I have no idea, but Michelle probably paid for it, cuz she's nice like that lol.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?

- A 6 most of the time I think. Of course stuff like pregnancy or PMS can drastically change that lol.

Main Course
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?

- Not long, I don't get many emails that need a response.

To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?

- I like it around 75*, hubby normally keeps it at 70 during the winter and I freeze!


Anonymous said...

love your appetizer,happy friday!
my first FF is up too.

Natalie said...

Wow! You like things warm. Good feast!

Anonymous said...

This is a very well prepared feast, Kara. Well done.

Anonymous said...

Great job... tasty bits and pieces here. Interesting.

Nita said...

Great feast! Have a great weekend ahead :)

Patti said...

Oh! A warm and toasty dessert! :) Happy Friday! :)

Sandee said...

Loved you dessert. When you get my age you will freeze him out. It all evens out. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm always cold...From what I'm reading, I suppose at some point in our lives we'll always be hot...LOL. Great feast!

Becca said...

I'm at the always hot point LOL

Loved your feast!

Barb said...

Me too on the main course!

Judy said...

Happy Friday! And, yes, PMS and pregnancy definitely affects emotions! lol... I understand completely.

I wonder if we were asked how much time we spend blogging what our answers would be? :-)