
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Why oh why is it snowing today?!? Yesterday was perfect, sunny, warm, just beautiful. And today, what do I wake up to? SNOW!!! I HATE snow! I want my warm weather back so I can get out and enjoy it!


Dawn said...

Kev drove from here to LA today and over the pass (Grapevine) it is snowing. It's rainy here too, so although I can't feel your snowy pain, I do feel it a bit, it's stinking spring, the weather needs to start acting like it!

Janice (5 Minutes for Mom) said...

oh my gosh- snow!!??!

Michelle said...

It's a pain, it's been so nice and now we have snow. I tell you, our weather is just messed up. I know we need the water, but I need the sun!