Adventures in Babywearing is tagging people to post pictures of themselves pregnant (foster/adoptive parents are also welcome to show pics with their kids!) so i decided to jump in with a few of mine.
I don't have any of me pregnant with Toddler on this computer right now, so here's some when I was pregnant with Baby.
A few days before I had him, isn't this sweet?

The day I had him, before leaving for the hospital

I loved being pregnant and having that big ol' belly.
Those are great pics! Thanks for posting!!
LOL jakey's comment about your pics, "Gosh mom, I hope your belly doesn't get that big!" (He read the pg test instructions - looked at the pg test and put it together - oh well he's old enough to understand things I suppose LOL)
You were an adorable pg lady and I love that "Baby" and I share a birthday!!! :)
You were soo skinny with a big belly!!! I want that with this one!! With both of mine I just got round all over! Ugh. Hoping it's diff this time!
LOL Dawn! I forgot Baby and you share a b-day :D
You were so cute! I got HUGE all over when I got pregnant. :)
Great photos.
You look beautiful :)
So sweet! I miss my big belly, too. But that first day when I came home from the hospital and looked at myself in the mirror I said, "I am SO skinny!!" It was a nice feeling!
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