Well, my birthday tip is to keep kid's parties simple. I see so many parents these days planning huge extravagant, and often very expensive, parties for their small children. They need a big expensive bakery cake, a large party room or play area rented out, tons of gifts, party favors, food for everyone, special outfits, and the list goes on. Moms on messageboards I'm on plan months in advance for their kids special day, stressing out about matching the party plates to the tablecloths, and getting specialized party favors to send home with each kid. I've known women to cry over this one little day. For me, I keep it simple. We invite our immediate family and my good friend Michelle with her girls. We don't buy a ton of presents, in fact at this age most of the presents come from the dollar store, Toddler is thrilled with a box of crayons and a new toy car, and Baby could care less. I make a boxed cake mix, and frost it myself, nothing fancy, though I write Happy Birthday *Toddler* or whoever on it. I have dollar store decorations. We open presents then eat some cake and ice cream, the kids play together with the new toys, and I send dollar store gifts off with Michelle's girls for party favors. We all have a great time and for maybe $20 total.
Keeping things simple works for me! Check out Rocks In My Dryer for more WFMW birthday tips!
Oh my gosh.. my kids do the grandkids' birthdays big and involved. Chucky Cheese, then home for a BBQ.
I used to do streamers & balloons, cake and ice cream, and a few games.
We are the parents you described LOL. Especially for Jakey cause he remembers...but man this year, I'm going to either be 39 weeks pg, or have a newborn when Jakey gets baptized (also the weekend we're celebrating his b-day) and I am NOT looking forward to it. We're going to a nice Mexican Restaurant for lunch right after his baptism - we're paying for EVERYONE. But I do figure that either way my belly goes (barely gone or OUT TO THERE) it's going to be easier to have someone else do all the work. LOL And a kid only turns 8 once! :)
Dawn- lol, well I can totally understand having someone else do the work in your situation!
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