
Monday, May 21, 2007


How do you get a toddler to eat broccoli? Last night we had a dinner with broccoli mixed in and I was afraid Toddler was going to turn it down. I don't know why I automatically assumed he wouldn't like it, I guess it's just a stereotype- all kids hate broccoli right? So I set the plate down in front of him and right away he picks up a piece of broccoli and yells "Tree!" and eats it. It was his favorite part of the meal. He seemed to think it was funny that he could eat trees. Now how can I get him to like corn more?


Beth said...

That's great that he'll eat broccoli! I loved broccoli as a kid; I remember pretending to be a dinosaur and eat the little tree ("leaves" first, then the "branches" and "trunk").

Michelle said...

LOL! That's really cute. When we go to the zoo, we can show him the chickens and say they eat corn. Then cook some for dinner and say it's corn like the chickens eat. lol

Stacey said...

How cute! When I was younger I called parsley "trees". I'm glad he ate it.

That's a good idea about the chickens Michelle. LOL I don't have that problem,my kids love corn.

Sandra said...

LOL that's so cute, I am lucky that my kids LOVE veggies so I have no problem with them eating them :)

Dawn said...

My kids love veggies too - just not corn, but really that's ok, corn's a pretty starchy food, I make them eat a tablespoon's worth, like it or not, and just chalk it up to "at least they like brocolli" which is good for them! LOL

Kara said...

He normally does ok with veggies too, he loves green beans, but he just wont eat corn much lol

Lorie said...

That is so cute! My twins will eat anything. My 7 yr old will not touch any veg. He is always telling my I wish I liked salad? I just wish I could get him to eat his veggies, but he will litterally throw them up if he even puts them in his mouth.