Today has been a normal boring day. We didn't have anything to do, so we just stayed in. We got a little rain this morning which is wonderful. It made it nice and cool and the boys went out and played in it a bit. Hubby and I went to the temple this evening and had my little sisters babysit the boys. While we were gone Jason got into a bunch of pictures I've been meaning to hang on his wall and broke one of the frames, giving himself a few little cuts on his fingers. Seriously, not a day goes by where we don't have some mess here lol.
I keep thinking I'm forgetting things to post of Fridays, but it's because for some reason there hasn't been a new Friday's Feast up in weeks. Wonder why? I used to always do Friday's Feast and now without it I have one less Friday post. Weird.
Hey, and before I forget, you should go checkout the cool giveaways going on over at 5 Minutes for Mom, one of my favorite sites. They are having a huge back to school giveaway and already have some way cool stuff up, so check it out.
Well, I'm heading to bed soon I think. Maybe the boys will be really good and sleep in tomorrow for me. I can only hope.
1 comment:
Sorry about the mess Jason made while you were gone. I hope you had a good trip though. :)
Thanks for the heads up on the giveaways at 5M4M. I haven't been over there in awhile.
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