* Go to post office to mail packages (I told you it's an every day thing!) and get my passport stuff sent
* Do more laundry and fold the pile in my room before it gets too out of control
* Dishes, of course, when do I not have dishes to do?!
* Clean up toys, again an every day thing
* Make a grocery list cuz we have nothing to eat, unless you count ramen noodles, but I'm not sure if they are really food?
* If our storage room shelves come today I need to get them set up
* List some stuff on Ebay
* Go change 2yr old's stinky butt!
Well, let's see what I got done:
- Got a few things ready to ship but never made it to the post office.
- Did a few more loads of laundry but no folding, the mountain is getting bigger
- I did do the dishes!
_ I also cleaned up the toys, but they are all over again
- No grocerry list
- Got the shelves put up in the storage room and they look great!
- Listed Ebay stuff
- and of course changed many stinky diapers
Sounds like a productive day. I'm sorry I wasn't a big help with the post office! We had so many things to do today. Where did you get your shelved for your storage room?
We got them on Ebay for a great deal :)
Just sitting here enjoying the Christmas music :)
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