
Friday, December 08, 2006


Today is a Pajama Day for me. I have no plans to go out. The only person who might come over is Michelle and I don't care if she's sees me in my pj's lol. So I figure why dirty a good pair of clothes for nothing? My plans for today are keep the boys happy, do some laundry, maybe do the dishes, and find something to make for dinner. That's about it :) The boys are being good, just playing quietly. It's almost time for naps, and I think I will do some reading while they are asleep ("Sarah" by Orson Scott Card, amazing author). I love Pajama Days!


Beth said...

I read "Sarah," "Rebekah," and "Rachel and Leah" awhile ago -- loved 'em! I think "Rebekah" was my favorite. I wish I knew when the next was coming out, because it ended in kind of a cliffhanger (if I remember correctly; it's been a long time!) Enjoy your pajama day!!

Kara said...

yeah, I have the other 2 checked out too :D He's one of my favorite authors

Michelle said...

Nope, didn't mind at all. I thought you didn't have pj's. ;) You looked very comfortable that it made me tired! lol I'm glad you could kick back and relax today. You'll have to post a review about your latest book reading.

Kara said...

LOL, well I have pj's but I don't wear them to bed lol, only when I'm too lazy to put on real clothes :D

Tammy said...

I wanna pajama day too! :)
And I'll have to look in to that book!
Have a great weekend!

Barb said...

That sounds like a good idea!

notfearingchange said...

I work from home some days so i don't have to worry about getting out of the -Jams...i love pjs...*sigh* if i could only live my life in them - that would be sweet! :-D