This is a pic of Baby (asleep) in one of the best baby inventions out there, the exersaucer. They can sit, play, jump, stand, and spin around all by themselves. I didn't buy one when 2 yr old was a baby because I didn't think it was necessary, I had enough gidgets and gadgets to last a lifetime. Well, I was so wrong! The exersaucer is a lifesaver! Baby loves to stand and this lets him do that without me having to hold him up. He loves to bounce, again this does just that. There are fun toys attached to it (or should be, but 2 yr old likes to take them off). And I can put more of his favorite toys (coasters and bells off the Christmas tree usually lol) onto the platform. He can keep himself happy and I actually get to put him down once in a while! This one we have is a loan from grandma's neighbor, but grandma decided to buy a new one for Christmas (as well as a very cute one to keep at her house for him). I seriously would go crazy without this. Baby likes to be held a lot, but this allows me to set him down for a bit and he loves it. (Note: this toy is NOT for sleeping in as it could cause injury. This pic was quickly taken, then Baby was moved to a better napping spot.)
He's so precious! (Maybe I should get one of those things for myself.. I could sit in it and blog lol.)
I guess I got Skittles the wrong gift for Christmas lol. Your little boy is very cute. I'm glad you both enjoy this exercizer
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