
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby update

I had an appointment with my midwife this morning. Everything still looks good, though my belly is measuring big (41.5wks). No surprise really since my boys were both near 9 lbs. I expect Nathan to be big too. We are hopeful that he will be coming out in the next few days. I was 2cm and 50% and have been having some cramping and contractions, so things are looking good. We didn't set up another appointment, since we think he's coming soon, but if I do make it to next week I'll go in again sometime.

So, any guesses on when this baby is coming and how big he'll be?!


Unknown said...

Hopefully for you he'll come today! or tomorrow. 9lbs though ouch, that's not fun.

Anonymous said...

my guess is he'll be born 12 November, 9 lbs, 2 1/2 oz
Good Luck! :)
*sending ELV your way*

Michelle said...

I'm going to say 11-12-08 at 5:47am and he will be 9 lbs 5 1/2 oz and 20 inches long. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

I'll say nov 12, 11pm and he will be 9 lbs 9oz and 22 inches.

Kara said...

Holy cow, are you people trying to kill me?! 9lb 9oz?! LOL

My guess is tonight and he'll be 9lb 2oz and 20"