
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Suppressing my sweet tooth

So last week I was complaining that I hadn't lost any more of my baby weight since having Nathan. Well, I decided that I really needed to stop eating so much candy. We have a little bucket that we put candy in and I would sit here and munch on it all day. No wonder I wasn't losing anything! So last week I finally told Hubby to take it to work with him so I could stop eating it. He did and in just that week I have lost 2 pounds. No need to find the best diet pills or get a gym membership, I just needed to stop eating so much junk. :) Of course I would still like to start exercising too (if I ever find the time or energy) so I can get some muscle back.


Anonymous said...

A bucket of candy would be soooo tempting!

~Cmac~ said...

You are so stinkin' skinny. Seriously, you're my new role model for after I have Sophia. You look great!