
Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Madness

Well, it's only Monday and I am so ready for the week to be over lol. Today I started babysitting a little 6 month old boy. I'll be watching him 3-4 days a week. It's a family I go to church with and they just adopted this little boy and saw that I was looking for a kid to watch.I'm not sure what I was thinking. Taking care of 2 babies is hard! Little D is a good baby most of the time, I think he's just not used to us so we had a bit of a tiring day, he wouldn't take a nap until 4 even though I could tell he was tired. It should get easier as he gets more used to us. I'm just so glad I've never had twins lol, at least at the end of the day I can send 1 baby home!

I wanted to clean my sister's bathroom today. She moved out this past weekend (I'm so sad!) so we have the bathroom back and it needs scrubbed. I also wanted to get laundry put away and do a load of dishes. But I just have not had the time, at least one kid has needed me at all times, even Jakey was giving me a hard time at naptime. So, now that Little D is still asleep and I've fed Nathan and the other 2 are watching Wall-E, again, I can get dinner started. Looks like we will be eating late again tonight.

I have a pretty busy week ahead too, so don't be surprised if I don't post much. I have to go to the orthodontist tomorrow (4hr round trip), dentist Wednesday for another filling (stupid teeth!), playdate on Thursday hopefully, and Nathan's 2 month checkup Friday morning, plus I have Little D some of those days. I'm afraid to think of what my house will look like at the end of this week!


Anonymous said...

wow, you have a good heart and extra energy to take on babysitting an extra one. Don't worry little D will settle in once he gets use to the new set-up.

Hope the rest of your week go wel

Danielle said...

Hey friend! We need to come over for dinner one of these days! We haven't been over in awhile. Let us know!

Danielle said...

Hey friend! We need to come over for dinner one of these days! We haven't been over in awhile. Let us know!

Anonymous said...

You're a glutton for punishment aren't ya?! *LOL* I hope all is well with ya.

Sorry I've not been by to visit lately...I've had a sick baby and limited time online.

Take care!

~Cmac~ said...

Wow! You are one busy bee. I couldn't do it!