
Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa's Busy Helpers

This time of year gets so so busy, and then before you know it it's over. I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas! All the shopping is done, presents are wrapped, cookies baked. We spent this evening with my family celebrating and had a great time. Now we are back home, the kids are in bed, and Hubby and I are busy being Santa's helpers and putting out presents. Well, Hubby is busy. My feet and ankles are very swollen from being on my feet so much the last few days so I'm soaking them in cold water and then going to put them up for a bit. I think I'll have Hubby bring me the stocking stuff and I can get those all done while I am on the couch. We just have a few things for the stockings, some candy and the boys each have a Toy Story figure and crayons. No christening gifts photo frames or anything, we kept them simple this year. I can't wait to see the boys' faces when they come down in the morning and see what Santa brought. Then the inlaws will be coming down some time tomorrow for a few days. I think my favorite thing about this holiday is spending it with family.

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