So last night we went roller skating with some friend's families and had so much fun! I hadn't been skating in probably more than 10 years, and Hubby the same. We had never taken the boys. And of course I forgot the camera! Grr. Anyway, the boys had a lot of fun, even little Nathan loved it when I strapped on the too-big child skates and walked around the rink with him. He cried every time I tried to leave the rink. Of course there is always the inevitable fall-on-your-butt-and-embarrass-yourself moment. Mine happened to be when I was holding Nathan (note to self- never hold a child while wearing roller skates). Nathan was fine, I kept a good hold on him and he didn't get hurt. At least it was on the carpet, not the rink, but I fell on my butt pretty hard, also hurting my wrist and elbow trying to catch myself. My wrist is achey, I have a bruise on my elbow, and my rear end is still sore. Wouldn't have hurt so bad if my cell phone hadn't been in my back pocket, ouch! We also ate some pretty yummy pizza there. Afterward I sent Hubby home with the boys cuz they were tired and I went to my friend's house to hang out and play games and cuddle her adorable baby girl. I was out way too late, and had to stop at WalMart on the way home (and then go back to WalMart after I got home because I'd left a bag of groceries at the checkout, doh!) so I didn't get to bed until 12:30am, but it was a really fun day.
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